Some questions of labor relations in the light of requirements of the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation"


  • Александр Васильевич Завгородний St. Petersburg State University; 7/9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The main efforts undertaken by the Russian Federation in the field of education reform in recent years have focused on the creation of legal conditions for the renewal and development of the Russian education system in accordance with the modern demands of human society and the state. This addresses the needs of an innovative economy and Russia's international obligations in the field of education. Attention was drawn to the comprehensive modernization of the education law and to establishing a systematic and functionally more complete legal regulation of social relations arising in the field of education, in order to pay more attention to improving the effectiveness of the mechanism of legal regulation, as well as the stability and continuity in the development of the education system and its legislative framework at the federal level. Refs 8.


educational organization, conflict of interest, degree, priority, work time


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Источники и литература

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How to Cite

Завгородний, А. В. (2015). Some questions of labor relations in the light of requirements of the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation". Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (3), 64–74. Retrieved from



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