The event of crime as object of criminalistic knowledge


  • Владимир Дмитриевич Пристансков St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Criminal activity in real life manifests itself in the form of an event of a specific crime. The crime event arises and functions in the form of a system. This system has a criminal nature, which is due to the wrongfulness of the act and the public danger of its consequences. The incipient of the system of the event of a crime is initiated by concrete actions or inaction of the subject. The development of this system is ensured by the interaction of a certain set of elements. Such elements are in the cause-effect relationship (interrelation, interdependence, subordination). These elements form the structure of the system of the crime scene. Depending on the type of crime, the criminal system includes the subject, object, place and time of encroachment, various objects, means, processes (system elements). All of them exist in fact and possess the qualities of objects of the material world. The specifics of the properties of systemic elements determines the peculiarities of the formation of a criminal act. Forensic cognition of the crime (a systemic multifactorial phenomenon of reality) should contribute to the creation of an effective forensic toolkit for the rapid detection of crimes, the optimal preliminary investigation and prevention of criminal acts.


criminal activity, the event of a crime, the systemic elements of the structure of the crime event, the patterns of the dynamics of the crime event


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How to Cite

Пристансков, В. Д. (2018). The event of crime as object of criminalistic knowledge. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 9(1), 78–90.


