Integration of artificial intelligence into public life: some ethical and legal problems


  • Александр Викторович Малышкин Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs, 87, ul. Gor’kogo, Vladimir, 600000, Russian Federation



The spread of artificial intelligence systems raises a number of technical, philosophical, legal and ethical issues related to the admissibility of using artificial intelligence in various fields, and the need to comply with ethical standards in the creation of artificial intelligence systems, as well as the possibility of introducing ethical standards in the decision-making process of artificial intelligence. Since for many people religion is the basis of the worldview, present in public life as ethics, not dogmatics, the study of various aspects of the relationship between religion and artificial intelligence is also extremely important. The author analyzes the ethical and religious problems associated with the creation and distribution of artificial intelligence systems and proposes ways of legal regulation of new social relations associated with the use of artificial intelligence. The author explores the following problems: the ability of artificial intelligence to be a subject of law; liability of artificial intelligence; sacralization of artificial intelligence; the responsibility for harm caused by artificial intelligence systems; the adoption of artificial intelligence decisions concerning the rights and duties of people; increasing stratification and inequality; mass unemployment; intellectual superiority of the carriers of artificial intelligence over man; alienation of people from each other, the loneliness of man; the ability to follow ethical standards when artificial intelligence makes decisions.


artificial intelligence, robots, religion, ethics, moral aspects of robotics, legal regulation, social regulation, integrated jurisdiction


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How to Cite

Малышкин, А. В. (2019). Integration of artificial intelligence into public life: some ethical and legal problems. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 10(3), 444–460.



Public and Private Law