Foreign experience in legal regulation of extrajudicial forms of protection of an individual’s rights and freedoms, excluding the criminality of the act


  • Alexander М. Smirnov Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 15a, Narvskaya ul., Moscow, 125130, Russian Federation International Law Institute, 4, ul. Kashenkin Lug, Moscow, 127427, Russian Federation



The article describes the provisions of the sources of criminal law of some foreign countries regarding the regulation of extrajudicial forms of protection of an individual’s rights and freedoms, excluding the criminality of the act. The author refers to these forms as a necessary defense, causing harm to the person who committed the crime, and extreme necessity. The article discusses the possibility of implementing the provisions of these sources in Russian criminal law to improve the state response to the implementation of these forms. The author comes to the conclusion that the most positive and constructive features of legal regulation in foreign countries, extrajudicial forms of protection of an individual’s rights and freedoms while excluding the criminality of the act, deserve scientific attention and consideration of their implementation in domestic criminal law and legal practice. The main features consist of the following: the conditions for the onset of the right to necessary defense, extreme need and infliction of harm during the detention of a person who has committed a crime, and the grounds for exceeding it; taking into account the situation when determining the legitimacy of the given circumstances; allocation of privileged conditions under which a person is either exempted from criminal liability or not exempted from it, but can count on mitigation of punishment; criminal prosecution for actions if absolutely necessary only if they have resulted in more harm than the harm prevented; regulation of legal and factual error with the necessary defense and extreme necessity; legal regulation of the conditions for the use of weapons in the implementation of these forms; holding accountable those who provoked the necessary defense; the emergence of the right to necessary defense of the person whose rights are being encroached upon.


human rights, extrajudicial protection, self-defense rights, necessary defense, harm to the offender, extreme necessity


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How to Cite

Smirnov A. М. (2021). Foreign experience in legal regulation of extrajudicial forms of protection of an individual’s rights and freedoms, excluding the criminality of the act. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 12(1), 144–154.



Foreign and International Law