Out-of court preventive rehabilitation agreement as a method for preventing the occurrence of legal signs of bankruptcy


  • Larisa Mastilovic St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4865-7725




The article proposes the creation of a new institution into the bankruptcy law, which will be called the “out-of court preventive rehabilitation agreement” (hereinafter referred to as the “ВПРС”) because there is currently no out-of court rehabilitation bankrupt institution, the condition for which would be the absence of external signs of bankruptcy and whose purpose would be prevention of their occurrence (there are no mechanisms to prevent bankruptcy before signs of bankruptcy appear), in the case when the debtor acknowledges it and wants to avoid bankruptcy on a voluntary basis. Due to the lack of effective bankruptcy rehabilitation institutions, creation of such institutions is recommended. Debtors should have a mechanism that allows them to respond in time (at the first sign of a financial crisis). VPRS is designed as a more advanced and thereby more effective preventive institution, in comparison to Art. 30 and Art. 31 of the Federal Law on insolvency (bankruptcy) because the goal of the second is to prevent bankruptcy and the goal of the first (VPRS) is to prevent the occurrence of legal opportunities for initiating bankruptcy. Creditors are less interested in recovering a debtor in the framework of bankruptcy prevention when debt has already been accumulated than in preventing the occurrence of debt itself. Therefore, at the legislative level, it is necessary to create a legal institute for a bona fide debtor, with the primary goal of rehabilitating the debtor through strict bankruptcy laws in relation to a debtor against whom liquidation proceedings on bankruptcy can already be started (if legal external signs of bankruptcy have already occurred).


bankruptcy prevention, rehabilitation procedures, out-of court rehabilitation procedures, preventive debtor rehabilitation


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How to Cite

Mastilovic, L. (2020). Out-of court preventive rehabilitation agreement as a method for preventing the occurrence of legal signs of bankruptcy. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 11(1), 140–153. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu14.2020.110



Public and Private Law: Applied Research