Historical and ideological aspects of the development of the domestic international private law after World War II


  • Евгения Львовна Константинова Limited liability company “Octoblue”, 3/3, MKAD 84 km, TPZ Altufevo, Mytischi, Moscow region, 141031, Russian Federation




In this article, it is referred to the evolutionary development of the international private law after the World War II as well as to the influence on it by the Marxist ideology prevailing in Russia in this period. It is defined the role of the conflict of law whereby the superstructure was considered to be as the main principle of the legal doctrines including the common substantive rules and was used as a basis for the development of the legal and regulatory sources. It is noted the influence of european law school on the opinions of the national legal experts. It is founded out the necessity of the international private law in Russia in the post-revolutionary and post-war period. The economic and political changes have influenced the restriction of the scope of private law essentially. The theory of the commercial law which was considered to be as a key one in the soviet period gave rise to the unification of the law at the international level. It is emphasized the subjective and objective approaches to the nature of the conflict of law. It is analyzed the classification of the conflict of law with its division on the local and international one whereby the first one gave rise to the federal conflict of law and another one to the prevailing multilateral agreements. As a result, the author points out that the bilateral agreements were considered to be as an instrument of the rules of conflict of law in the Eastern Europe countries. Notwithstanding of the influence of the Western Europe countries on the development of the conflict of law in Russia was created the separate opinion of the socialist system differing from the capitalist one which was aimed to the traditional conception of the international private law.


international private law, evolutionary development, influence of Western European countries, pre-revolutionary scholars, post-revolutionary period, World War II, Russian Federation, pseudo-unification, bilateral agreements, reciprocity principle


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How to Cite

Константинова, Е. Л. (2019). Historical and ideological aspects of the development of the domestic international private law after World War II. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 10(1), 84–98. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu14.2019.106



Public and Private Law: Applied Research