Land and legal and environmental aspects of the legal concept of "urbanized land"


  • Татьяна Геннадьевна Иванова St. Petersburg State University, 7/9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article analyzes the elements of the urban area as a complex natural and industrial systems, which have different legal regime. The specificity of the complex influence during the development and consumption of various types of natural resources in urban land in modern conditions is the basis for the allocation of a special regime of their use and protection. The objectives of the use of different kinds of natural resources in urban areas is to provide a safe and supportive environment for life and activity. The conclusion that the gain and the negative impact of anthropogenic load on the various elements of the environment in urban areas requires improvement regime for the protection of various categories of land, underground space, bed, banks and water areas, forest and non-forest plantations, which generally form a new complex (total ) system. Legal regulation of the management and use of the various elements of the urban area as a complex self-developing system should be based on an integrated approach.


purpose of the land, intended use of the land, land settlements, dedicated lands, urbanized land, territorial planning schemes


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How to Cite

Иванова, Т. Г. (2015). Land and legal and environmental aspects of the legal concept of "urbanized land". Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (2), 74–81. Retrieved from



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