Individualization of land and other natural resources: issues of legislation and difficulties of enforcement (part two)


  • Владислав Васильевич Никишин Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The difficulties associated with the identification of land and other natural resources appear in the process of the origin and realization of environmental management law, being exercised under various titles. In this article the natural and “territorial” relationship of objects of environmental management rights is analyzed, likewise the features of the process of their individualization are identified. The author believes that the ongoing process of reduction of objects of environmental management law related to real estate is accompanied by a loss of their identifying characteristics. The number of adopted legal acts that allow the use of natural resources without their proper individualization is constantly growing. The contradictory legal regimes of environmental management are created when due to the lack of necessary uniform mechanisms of legal regulation, the legislator for realization of rights is forced to exercise uncomfortable provisions which allow the use of territorially interrelated but not properly individualized natural resources. Refs 4.


legal regime, territory, identity characteristics, land plot, subsoil plot, water body, wood plot, continental shelf plot


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How to Cite

Никишин, В. В. (2016). Individualization of land and other natural resources: issues of legislation and difficulties of enforcement (part two). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (2), 73–84.



Land and Environmental law