The Russian legal traditions in the social sphere (historical and legal aspect)


  • Дмитрий Алексеевич Пашенцев The Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation, 24, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya st., Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation



The article analyzes the doctrinal approaches to the understanding of legal tradition. The author formulates his own definition of legal tradition. Using the modern post-classical methodology, the author analyzes the peculiarities of the Russian legal traditions that influenced the legal regulation of state social activity in the period of the Empire. The article shows the influence of legal traditions on the formation of the system of public charity and private charity in the Russian Empire. The author emphasizes the role of legal traditions in the development of social legislation and law enforcement practice in the Russian Empire. The article shows peculiarities of the development of Russian legislation, which regulate the establishment and activities of charities and other social institutions. The author concludes that in the period of the Empire, the state delegated their powers for implementation of the social functions of nonstate institutions. The means of the population were the source of funding of public charity. Legal regulation of the social sphere was imperative. The existing legislation had established tight administrative control of the Ministry of the interior for charitable societies and institutions. The article concluded that the class character of public charity in the Russian Empire formed under the influence of legal traditions.


legal tradition, Russian Empire, charity, public charity, social services, legislation, social function of the state


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How to Cite

Пашенцев, Д. А. (2018). The Russian legal traditions in the social sphere (historical and legal aspect). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 9(2), 139–156.



Theory and History of Law and State

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