Investigation of money laundering and financing of terrorism by the Investigative Committee of Russia


  • Alexandr I. Bastrykin Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, 2, Tekhnichesky per., Moscow, 105005, Russian Federation



The aim of the work is to show the public danger of money laundering and financing of terrorism, and to identify ways to improve the existing legislation to curb these crimes. The research comprehensively examines the practice of identifying and investigating money laundering and financing of terrorism by the Investigative Committee of Russia. Today, these crimes pose a serious threat to Russian society and have a destructive effect on the country’s economy. The article analyzes the results of the Investigative Committee of Russia’s work on the investigation of these crimes, examines the experience of interaction with specialized state organizations in this field, and also discusses various methods of money laundering and financing of terrorism with specific examples. Particular attention is paid to the prevention and suppression of terrorism and extremism, including prevention of radical ideology. The results of the joint work of the Investigative Committee of Russia with other law enforcement structures of the Russian Federation in this field are also presented and supported by statistical data. Particular focus is placed on the financing of terrorism by attracting funds through the Internet, which today has become one of the main channels for the movement of financial flows. In addition, the article analyzes the legal framework on the basis of which the state authorities of the Russian Federation carry out comprehensive work to identify and suppress the financing of terrorism. The work also discloses the role of digital currency, the turnover of which bears certain risks and can be used for anonymous financial support of terrorist organizations. The main conclusion is that effective opposition to the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism can be carried out simultaneously with the suppression of extremist ideology at two levels — national and international.


national security, financing of terrorism, money laundering, digital currency, financial operations, investigation, extremism, terrorist organizations


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How to Cite

Bastrykin, A. I. (2021). Investigation of money laundering and financing of terrorism by the Investigative Committee of Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 12(3), 493–501.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research