Editorial Ethics

General Provisions

The editorial policy of the journal “Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Law” follows the recommendations of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1. The journal complies with the high professional standards of scientific periodicals in the field of jurisprudence:

- the title “Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Law ”is unique and allows to distinguish the journal from other periodical scientific publications;

- the magazine has four issues and is published four times during a calendar year;

- the editorial policy of the journal is publicly available at the link: https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/about/editorialPolicy ;

- guide for authors: https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/about/submissions . 

2. The editorial board of the journal consists of recognized experts in the field of jurisprudence:

- information about the members of the editorial board is available in the public domain at the link: https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/about/editorialTeam ;

- contacts of the editor-in-chief are available in the public domain at the link: https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/about/contact .

3. Liability of authors (co-authors) includes the following requirements:

- to adequately respond to the wishes and comments of the reviewers, constructively participate in the review process;

- to participate in the process of preparing the article;

- provide a list of corrections and (or) refutations;

- include in the article a bibliographic description of the sources of references;

- indicate funding for the preparation of the article (if any);

- not submit material previously published in another scientific journal;

- withdraw material under consideration in case of publication in another scientific journal.

4. Features of the review process of materials:

- all journal materials go through the process of two-sided "blind" peer review;

- reviewers are specialists in the problem of the presented material;

- the absence of a conflict of interest among the reviewers is presumed;

- reviewers should invite the author to pay attention to the current research that was not used by the author in the preparation of the material under consideration;

- the content of the review is objective for a particular reviewer;

- the regulation on reviewing is presented in the public domain at the link: https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/about/peerReviewGuidelines .

5. The professional ethics of the journal is based on the following principles:

- reject material previously published in another scientific journal;

- reject material based on false information;

- check incoming materials for improper borrowing;

- consider justified statements about unlawful borrowing in the materials under consideration, received from the reviewers;

- provide advice to the author (co-authors) regarding the introduction of corrections and (or) refutations to the material;

- publish corrections, clarifications, refutations, apologies of the authors (co-authors).

6. Access to published materials and their copying:

- the license agreement, the conditions for the transfer of rights, the confidentiality statement are presented in the public domain at the link: https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/about/submissions ;

- the journal maintains an electronic archive of electronic materials;

- access to the electronic archive will be closed if the journal ceases to exist.


Ethical standards


Ethical principles in the activities of the editorial board and publisher

  • Focus on the interests of readers and authors.
  • Provide high-quality technical editing, design, and presentation of published materials.
  • Promote free expression on the pages of your magazine.
  • Follow the principles of openness, scientific honesty, and independence to authors, reviewers, and readership.
  • Do not allow commercial interests to prevail over the interests of creativity.


Ethical principles in the activity of the reviewer

  • Fulfill the undertaken obligations to review manuscripts in good faith, within the established timeframe and only within the limits of their professional competence.
  • When writing a review, follow the principles of objectivity, constructiveness, impartiality, and correctness.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the review and prevent the possibility of using the information obtained during the review for any purpose (except for the purposes related to publication).
  • Avoid any potential conflicts of interest.


Ethical principles in the activities of the author

  • Respect copyright and comply with copyright regulations.
  • Avoid plagiarism, falsification, and/or manipulation of the data used and/or obtained.
  • Do not submit previously published works to the editor.
  • Provide the ability to verify (confirm) the results obtained by other researchers using a clear presentation (description) of the argumentation of the question posed (problem, conclusion, solution), as well as methods (methods, approaches).
  • Reflect as accurately as possible the contribution of each author to the implementation of the common work.



To ensure the high quality of published materials, as well as to observe copyright, all articles submitted to the editorial office are checked for plagiarism (the presence of borrowings) through the Antiplagiat-Rukontext system.


Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism can be considered:

  • use (literal quotation) of any materials in any volume without indicating the source;
  • use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams and any other forms of graphic presentation of information without indicating the source;
  • use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams and any other forms of graphic presentation of information published in scientific and popular publications without the consent of the copyright holder;
  • use without written permission of materials, the authors or copyright holders of which prohibit the use of their materials without special consent.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not give a clear answer to the question of the volume of borrowing; borrowed materials can be used "in the amount justified by the purpose of citing" (Article 1274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Borrowing of any volume must be justified by the purpose of writing the article.

Articles containing less than 80% of the author's text are not published in the journal. The editors do not welcome an excessive number of citations, even if they are properly formatted. The allowed volume of citations is no more than 20% of the total article volume. Reviews and other articles that, for objective reasons, require a greater number of citations, are considered by the editors on an individual basis.


Checking materials for plagiarism

All articles published in the journal are checked in the "Antiplagiat" system for the presence of texts on the Internet (through search engines). If the editorial staff have grounds for a more detailed check, additional tools are used to search for borrowings. Texts in foreign languages ​​are checked by the CrossCheck system and other similar tools.

Authors can check their articles for plagiarism using the systems:




http: // antiplagiat. or


or programs http://advego.ru/plagiatus/advego_plagiatus.exe 


Retraction of articles

The editors of the journal use retraction (article recall) to warn readers about cases of duplicate publications (when authors submit the same data in several publications), plagiarism, concealment of conflicts of interest, provision of inaccurate data that could affect the interpretation of data or recommendations about them use.

The reason for the withdrawal of the article is the following:

  • detection of plagiarism in a publication;
  • duplication of articles in various publications;
  • detection of serious errors (such as misinterpretation of results) that casts doubt on its scientific value;
  • detection of falsifications or fabrications in the text of the article;
  • incorrect composition of authors (for example, persons who do not meet the criteria for authorship are included);
  • there is a conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);
  • re-publication of the article carried out without the consent of the co-author.

Article retraction can be initiated:

  • by the author of the article;
  • an appeal from the editorial staff of another magazine;
  • the appeal of unauthorized persons (possible participants in the conflict of interest) in the presence of evidence of violations of scientific ethics by the author of the article;
  • when the editorial board of the journal detects violations of scientific ethics of the author of the article.

Retraction of articles in the journal “Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Law" is carried out as follows:

1. After the appeal of the author or another person who has provided facts of violation of scientific ethics in the article, the editorial board of the journal appoints a commission that investigates the case, taking into account all the available facts and possibilities to check the ethics of the publication;

2. Having decided to withdraw the article, the editorial board indicates in the minutes of the meeting the reason for the retraction (if plagiarism is found, indicating the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction.

3. The Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) (for entering information into a unified database of retracted articles) is provided with a protocol, which indicates the date of the meeting, the composition of the meeting, the results of the examination, a reasoned decision and a completed form:

- name of the author and title of the article;

- the name of the publication from which the text is withdrawn;

- the initiator of the revocation of the article;

- the basis for the withdrawal of the article and the date of the decision;

- link to the page on the website of the publication, which provides information on retraction;

- output data become and DOI (if any);

- topics (social sciences; agriculture, etc.).

4. Information about the withdrawn texts is transferred to scientometric databases and libraries, in which the journal is located.

5. In case of serious moral damage to the parties to the conflict of interests, information about the violation of scientific ethics may be transferred to the author's place of work.

6. The editors reserve the right to independently decide on further cooperation with the authors of retracted articles (complete refusal of cooperation, refusal to cooperate for a certain time, appointment of additional expert examination of articles in case of repeated cooperation).


Publication fee

The journal does not charge a fee for the submission of articles and their publication.


Open access

The journal allows authors to post articles on the Internet in the public domain, providing free access to the Internet immediately after the publication of the article.