Research on juvenile delinquency in modern Russia


  • Elizaveta V. Demidova-Petrova Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 35, Magistralnaya ul., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420108, Russian Federation



In this article, the developed matrix of criminologically significant information is proposed. This matrix reflects the content, structure, and methodology of the study of juvenile delinquency. The described criminological heptagonal matrix is a fairly complete structure of in formation significant for criminological science, which is implemented for the purpose of gaining the most in-depth knowledge of the modern features of juvenile delinquency. The interrelated elements of this matrix are also proposed in this work. Special attention is paid to the area of conducting, on a planned basis, criminological monitoring of juvenile delinquency. It is noted that criminological monitoring has previously been the subject of research by other authors. It is emphasized that conducting criminological monitoring of juvenile delinquency will allow for a “cross-cutting” study of this type of crime, and develop adequate, modern approaches to its prevention. The author provides the results of research on the attitude of citizens to the Internet space. A separate role is assigned to the theory of intersectionality (the theory of intersections of social spheres). The conclusion is substantiated that, based on the fact that the world of modern juveniles is structured, the application of this theory becomes an important element of cognition, study, and identification of the mutual influence of such social spheres as the real (offline) social sphere, virtual (online) social sphere with the identity of a juvenile.


prevention of juvenile delinquency, intersection theory, criminological monitoring, social environment, Internet space, information globalization, informatization, scientific and technological progress


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How to Cite

Demidova-Petrova, E. V. (2021). Research on juvenile delinquency in modern Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 12(1), 4–16.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research