Subordination, reordination and coordination ties in the structure of other measures of a criminal-legal nature


  • Dmitry B. Laptev West Siberian branch of the Russian State University of Justice, 2, pl. Lenina, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation



In order to determine the specifics of subordination, reordination and coordination ties in the structure of other measures of a criminal-legal nature, the content of the system of these measures is analysed, in which it is proposed to include measures related to isolation or restriction of personal freedom and measures related to the restriction of property rights. It is suggested to define a system of other measures of a criminal-legal nature as a holistic set, built on a hierarchical principle and divided into two subsystems, the normative reflection of which takes place in the provisions of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and social — in specific public relations arising from the commission of a crime and the need to apply criminal law measures to it. In the study of external subordinate relations, it is concluded that other measures of a criminal-legal nature have become a full-fledged component of criminal law, alternative to criminal punishment or supplementing the restrictions on the rights and freedoms of the convicted person arising from the application of punishment. Internal subordinate ties reflect the structure of the system of other measures of a criminal-legal nature and allows them to be distributed according to their functional purpose. The conclusion is made that the reordination ties demonstrate the cosubordination of the subsystem of the system for other measures of a criminal-legal nature, as well as a blanket (reference) interaction with other elements of the system of criminal-legal action, or with other spheres of social life, which intersect with negative social phenomena. Also, it is substantiated that coordination ties in the structure of the system of other measures of a criminal-legal nature are unilateral and create conditions for the use of discretionary powers related to the preservation of the application of these measures or refusal of them in favor of a stricter criminal-legal act, punishment.


punishment, other measures of a criminal-legal nature, system, systemic ties, subordinated ties, reordained ties, coordination ties


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How to Cite

Laptev, D. B. (2022). Subordination, reordination and coordination ties in the structure of other measures of a criminal-legal nature. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 12(4), 1003–1016.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research