Regularities and shortcomings of technical and legal fortification of legal advantages of modern Russian legislation


  • Артем Григорьевич Репьев Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, 49, ul. Chkalova, Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation
  • Иван Николаевич Сенякин Saratov state legal academy, 1, Volskaya ul., Saratov, 410056, Russian Federation



Advantages in rights and legislation, at this stage of development of jurisprudence, have not become subject of conceptual scientific analysis. In this regard, it seems relevant to comprehend forms of their expression in the language of legal documents and the technical and legal features characteristic of acts of federal, regional and municipal levels. The designated purpose of this work was defined as solution of the following scientific and practical tasks: to reveal the developed regularities and the existing shortcomings of legal definiteness in legislation of advantages of some subjects over others; and to define the priority technical and legal directions of optimization of the process of fortifying legal advantages in regulations. The analysis of an array of legislation showed that, despite active use of the constructions “legal advantage”, “advantageous situation” and “privilege”, law-making bodies did not make an attempt to formulate a definition of this basic term, “legal advantage”, to offer a specific and subspecific division. The designated omissions, today, led not only to a synonymy of specific concepts of a system of legal advantages: benefits, privileges, immunity; but also subspecific: compensations, subsidies, grants, etc. The law enforcement official in such a situation, for lack of clear, accurate regulation of legal governance through a system of this sort of permissions of the highest order, is forced to go the way of analogy and interpretation, unfortunately, not always accurately. The authors’ conclusions help to define ways of improving the legislative process, to propose possible solutions of the formed legal collisions and contradictions, and to provide concrete recommendations to improve technical and legal process of solidifying legal advantages in rulemaking language.


legal advantage, legal equipment, exception, estimated concept, privilege, immunity


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How to Cite

Репьев, А. Г., & Сенякин, И. Н. (2019). Regularities and shortcomings of technical and legal fortification of legal advantages of modern Russian legislation. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 10(3), 428–443.



Public and Private Law