Development of the public-private partnership conception in the international legal environment


  • Svetlana V. Maslova St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the key aspects and stages of the conceptualization, formation and evolutionary development of public-private partnership (PPP) at the international level. Among the approaches of international organizations to PPP, the one that consolidates the concept of PPP with the UN’s S Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is highlighted. The interest in it is due to a very noticeable revitalization of a large number of international organizations in this direction. The foreign doctrine is still only forming a request to improve the PPP concept based on the best “Value for Money” through the efforts of the social value of PPP. However, in the approaches of international organizations, a new format of PPP, based on Value for People, is already being proposed. Is the proposed transformation evolutionary for the concept of PPP or is it nothing more than a large-scale campaign to popularize PPP in support of the SDGs? Finding the answer to this question and its argumentation is the purpose of the article. Based on the analysis of international PPP standards, an attempt is made to reveal the main elements and targets of the updated concept of “People-first Public-Private Partnerships”. Some examples of its practical implementation in the national legal framework of some states and the practice of PPP are provided. At the same time, the article undertakes a critical analysis of the relationship between the SDGs and “People-first Public-Private Partnerships” not only in terms of its ideology, but also in the context of legal relations developing within the framework of “People-first Public-Private Partnerships”.


public-private partnership, sustainable development goals, people-first, human rights, international standards, international organizations


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How to Cite

Maslova, S. V. (2021). Development of the public-private partnership conception in the international legal environment. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 11(4), 950–971.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research