Criminal and legal protection of intellectual rights in modern China: Рroblems and solutions




As globalization progresses and economic globalization develops, the economic value of intellectual property at the international level continues to increase. However, intellectual property crimes worldwide are increasing both in scale and quantity. In view of this situation, countries around the world have begun to attach great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights in the context of criminal law in order to reduce crimes and protect intellectual property rights. The role of intellectual property is becoming more and more noticeable against the background of how in modern China the economy is moving towards a new standard; the state is focusing on the innovative driver for the development of economic transformation. In 2015, China published the “action Plan for in-depth implementation of the national strategy for the protection of intellectual property rights for 2014–2020,” published by the Office of the state Council of China. This document, for the first time, put forward strategic goals aimed at improving the efficiency of the use and protection of intellectual property, as well as the creation of a powerful intellectual property power. In recent years, China has been constantly reviewing and improving the criminal law provisions governing liability for intellectual property infringement in order to establish a reliable criminal law system in the field of intellectual property rights. At the same time, new problems and challenges are emerging in the field of protecting intellectual property rights in modern China. The article presents and analyzes the current state and problems encountered in the process of criminal and legal protection of intellectual property in China, as well as on their basis, and ways for improving the current legislation are proposed.


intellectual property, copyright, patent right, trademark right, criminal law protection, improvement of legislation


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How to Cite

Pang, D. (2020). Criminal and legal protection of intellectual rights in modern China: Рroblems and solutions. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 11(1), 180–191.



Foreign and International Law