Legal status of precursors, analogues and derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances


  • Roman B. Osokin Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 5/1, 2-ya Baumanskaya ul., Moscow, 105005, Russian Federation
  • Natalia N. Zalivina Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after V. J. Kikot, 12, ul. AkademikaVolgina, Moscow, 117437, Russian Federation



The article investigates the problem of determining the legal status of the concepts of precursors, analogues and derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The author made an attempt to analyze the international (within the CIS countries) and Russian legislation regulating illegal drug trafficking in order to eliminate disputes arising in the classification of funds and substances prohibited in free civil circulation. In addition, the article discusses the basic concepts relating to the definition of precursors, analogues and derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, interpreted by Russian and international legislation. The analysis was carried out using traditional methods of modern jurisprudence. It should be noted that in order to classify a drug or substance as prohibited for circulation, it is mandatory to conduct chemical and pharmacological forensic examination. Thus, deficiencies have been identified in forensic studies that do not allow for providing an unambiguous answer for assigning an object as a precursor, analog or derivative narcotic drug or psychotropic substance. It is noted that the lack of a single method of obtaining the result of an expert opinion leads to a large number of conflict situations that appear in law enforcement and judicial practice. Also, shortcomings and inaccuracy of terminology are revealed, which lead to an ambiguous, and sometimes incorrect from the point of view of the law, interpretation. On the basis of the study, the author developed proposals to improve the criminal legislation in the field of determining the legal status of precursors, analogues and derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in drug trafficking.


criminal law, international norms, legal status, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, derivatives, analogues, precursors, forensic examination, physical and chemical research


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How to Cite

Osokin, R. B., & Zalivina, N. N. (2020). Legal status of precursors, analogues and derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 11(2), 342–352.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research