The teaching and study of international law in St. Petersburg Academic University in the eighteenth century (the second article)


  • Виталий Семенович Иваненко St. Petersburg State University, 7/9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article examines the conditions and characteristics of the origin and development of teaching and learning in the XVIIIth century international law, jus gentium – the St. Petersburg academic University as the first such experience in Russia. It reviews scientific and teaching activity of the first academicians of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences – representatives of German universities, who as professors and lawyers carried out at the University of the Academy of Sciences the teaching of jurisprudence, including international law. It analyzes the factors in order to objectively assess the achievements and shortcomings of international law in the Academic University. Refs 15.


St. Petersburg Academic University, XVIIIth century, jus gentium, international law, teaching organization


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How to Cite

Иваненко, В. С. (2016). The teaching and study of international law in St. Petersburg Academic University in the eighteenth century (the second article). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (4), 128–139. Retrieved from



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