General characteristics of the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran


  • Патимат Арисланалиевна Гусенова



In the present paper deals with the judicial system of the Republic of Iran, based on an analysis of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation of Iran, as well as the Constitution of the Islamic Republic. It touches upon the fundamental principles on which Iran’s judiciary is built as well as the principles of organization and activities of the branch. The respective roles of the judiciary, taking into account national specifics of the Islamic Republic are identifieds. Refs 7.


the judiciary, criminal procedure of Iran, independence, of the Iranian Constitution, government


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How to Cite

Гусенова, П. А. (2016). General characteristics of the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (2), 85–93.



Foreign and International Law