Bilateral contractual cooperation of Russia for the decrease in the danger of disasters


  • Валентина Владо Лисаускайте Irkutsk State University, 10, ul. Ulan-Batorskaya, Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation



In the material presented, a comparative analysis of bilateral contracts signed in the sphere of disasters is conducted. The author pays attention to their structure, contents, their place in the system of international treaties of the Russian Federation and to other features of this regulator of interaction of the states. Positions of a number of scientists concerning the matters are presented. Separate attention in article is paid to the characteristics of some provisions of agreements with such countries, as Germany, Serbia, Spain, India. Work is sated with examples about concrete interaction from the practice of our country, and also an accurate position of the author on a number of questions, actual and disputable for such cooperation. Within the article the author, once again, emphasizes the position concerning a place of similar contractual interaction of the states within a system of international law. Refs 2.


prevention of disasters, bilateral cooperation, humanitarian response, search and rescue groups, natural disasters, international cooperation


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How to Cite

Лисаускайте, В. В. (2016). Bilateral contractual cooperation of Russia for the decrease in the danger of disasters. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (3), 88–102.



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