The notion of “budget investments”


  • Анна Михайловна Лаптева National Research University Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg, 17, Promyshlennaya st., St. Petersburg, 198099, Russian Federation



This article is devoted to the questions to the notion “investments” and “budget investments”. It provides the reader on the views resident in economic and legal doctrines as to the notions of “investments” and “budget investments” as well as those definitions in law. A mention should be made that the notion “investments” as a legal point of view is a benefit or set of the benefits which are put in objects of business and (or) other activity for receiving profit and (or) achievement of another social effect. The author proposes to correlate the notions “investments” and “budget investments” as universal and particular, because the budget investments have features of investments, for example, the aim of investing monies/assets. It should be stressed that “budget investments” are regulated differently because they are financed from the state budget. In conclusion budget investments are considered in two meanings: 1) broad meaning and 2) narrow meaning. In a broad meaning, budget investments are budgetary (state) funds directed by the state for receiving to increase “public property” (profit) and (or) achievement of another social effect. Such meaning helps to understand the legal regimes of different types of public (budget) investments.


investments, budget investments, budget, investing, process, capital investment, invest, treasury


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How to Cite

Лаптева, А. М. (2018). The notion of “budget investments”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 9(3), 330–342.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research