Vindication in case law of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and legal statistics


  • Кирилл Юрьевич Молодыко HSE – Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Pokrovskiy boulevard, 8, Moscow, 109028, Russian Federation



This article is the first part of research into vindication. The second part will focus on the analysis of academic positions. In this first part the author proves that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation unreasonably found inadmissible some constitutional claims of citizens who challenged vindication related to provisions of the Civil Code of Russia. Actual practice of the court on this issue is assessed as contradictory, which has both positive and negative elements. When a positive assessment of the new clarification of the Supreme Court regarding bona fide purchaser criteria is examined, it is criticized for the lack of attention to the initiation of the correction to new provisions of Art 200.1 of the Civil Code of Russia related to limitation periods which are erroneous when applied to vindication. An analysis of judicial statistics, in spite of the shortcomings of such a methodology, confirms: a) the high social importance of vindication disputes, b) the lack of public trust in the state compensations in cases of disputes related to vindication of property from a bona fide purchaser. Refs 5.


vindication, bona fide purchaser, constitutionality, limitation period, disposals of ownership


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How to Cite

Молодыко, К. Ю. (2017). Vindication in case law of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and legal statistics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 8(2), 225–241.



Legal Life: Scientific-Practical Conclusions, Comments and Reviews