Legal regulation of euthanasia of animals without an owner: Pros and cons


  • Aleksey P. Anisimov Don State Technical University
  • Valentina N. Burkova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Igor K. Volkov Don State Technical University
  • Alexey M. Ermakov Don State Technical University
  • Anna S. Fomina Don State Technical University
  • Sergey K. Shebeko Don State Technical University



The article argues for the conclusion that the actual conditions in which animals in shelters are kept often do not meet the requirements of humane treatment. Releasing animals without owners into their former habitats (outside or into the wild), in our opinion, does not meet
humane considerations at all. If animals are sterilized and released into the street, then they remain neglected in search of food. Partial catching of individual representatives of stray animal
populations and placing them in shelters does nothing to solve the problem, since the population size depends on the food supply, the presence of diseases of individual individuals, as well as other factors that are in no way related to government policy. The removal or sterilization of individual dogs puts a strain on the regional budget, but does not reduce the size or
aggressiveness of stray dog populations. To keep stray animals in shelters, large premises, land plots, special instructors, etc. are required. All this is missing, which means we can talk about cruelty to animals placed in cages and unable to move normally. A solution to this problem
may be to gradually expand the scope of euthanasia to all captured animals that could not be transferred to new owners. The use of similar practices in a number of foreign countries has already shown their effectiveness and relevance.




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How to Cite

Anisimov, A. P., Burkova, V. N., Volkov, I. K., Ermakov, A. M., Fomina, A. S., & Shebeko, S. K. (2024). Legal regulation of euthanasia of animals without an owner: Pros and cons. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 15(3), 575–591.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research