Administrative and legal measures to ensure the security of personal data when disclosing information by the government in China




Government disclosure is an inevitable choice to improve public services in the era of big data. In order to meet the new requirements for building a digital government in the era of big data, the government authorities of the People’s Republic of China have implemented a number of strategies and measures for the open use of government data through the overall integration of government informatization work. In recent years, the open use of government data has played a very important role in building a legal system and platforms, but it still faces many real dilemmas, such as the low level of legislation for the open use of data and security for government disclosure of data, vague definition of data ownership and the extent of openness, insufficient supervision and management openness and use of data. In order to ensure effective protection of personal information when disclosing information by the government in the era of big data, it is necessary to improve the mechanism of legal protection of personal information and the system of legal regulation of the use of government-opened data, improve
the system for regulating conflicts of legal benefits based on the principle of proportionality, create and optimize an environment for the development and use of government data, as well as develop a mechanism for assessing privacy risks and raise awareness about the protection of personal data and rights.


the era of big data, government disclosure of data, protection of personal information, administrative and legal support, public interests, personal legitimate interests, the principle of proportionality, the right of the public to know


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How to Cite

Guanglong, W. (2024). Administrative and legal measures to ensure the security of personal data when disclosing information by the government in China. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 15(3), 815–834.



Foreign and International Law