Transnational law: The scientific breakthrough of professor Liudmila Nikiforovna Galenskaya


  • Sergey V. Bakhin St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article discusses the main provisions of Professor L. N. Galenskaya’s monograph “Legal regulation of transnational relations” published in 2022. The totality set of L. N. Galenskaya’s ideas is characterized as a scientific breakthrough, which makes it possible to explain the correlation of various regulators of international relations — international and transnational law. The article examines the nature of relations regulated by transnational law, the mutual position (relationship) of international, transnational and private international law. The issues of special principles of transnational law and its subjects, the nature of regulated relations, branches of transnational law are analyzed. According to L. N. Galenskaya, the regulators in the field of transnational law are the basic principles of international law, to the action of which all legal relations are subject — both within the framework of international and domestic relations. In addition, as a special regulator, it highlights the special principles of transnational law. The legal principles cannot be considered either as fundamental ideas in law or as norms of a special kind. Among them, the principle of equality of legal systems, the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of legal protection should be highlighted. In the sphere of cross-border relations, on the one hand, the principle of freedom of subjects to participate in transnational relations operates, on the other hand, participation in them is possible only with the general or special permission of the state. Moreover, in the sphere of transnational relations, the principle of constant connection with the state of nationality of the subject operates. Since the monograph was released published in 2022, when in the year that Professor L. N. Galenskaya celebrates her anniversary, the author tells separately about the scientific achievements of the hero of the day and her long-term work at Leningrad (St Petersburg) State University.


transnational law, international law, domestic law, international relations, transnational relations, subjects of transnational law, sources of transnational law


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How to Cite

Bakhin, S. V. (2022). Transnational law: The scientific breakthrough of professor Liudmila Nikiforovna Galenskaya. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 13(4), 1099–1110.



Legal Life: Scientific-Practical Conclusions, Comments and Reviews