Theoretical issues of a “Law-Based Governance of the Country” and the “Moral Norms Governance of the Country”: The Chinese experience


  • Лэй Сун Beijing Institute of Technology, 5, ul. Zhongguanchun nan, Beijing, 100081, China



The article deals with theoretical issues regarding the “law-based governance of the country” and “moral norms governance of the country” from the point of view of the Chinese experience. The connection between the basis of law and moral norms needs to be understood, especially in regard to the dialectical relation between “law-based governance of the country” and “moral norms governance of the country”, as well as the key role played by a clear understanding and guarantee of the movement in the direction of a legal socialist path with Chinese characteristics. A prominent feature of the legal socialist path with Chinese characteristics is solid loyalty to the harmonious coexistence of the bases of law and moral norms in the governance of the country. When the “law-based governance of the country” and “moral norms governance of the country” strictly adhere to these guidelines, moral norms are supporting the law-basis, and the principles of the rule of law, in turn, must be used when addressing ethical conflicts.


governance of the country, law-based, moral norms, legal socialist path with Chinese characteristics


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How to Cite

Сун, Л. (2018). Theoretical issues of a “Law-Based Governance of the Country” and the “Moral Norms Governance of the Country”: The Chinese experience. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 9(1), 102–111.



Foreign and International Law