The legal and organizational basis of ensuring safety of sports activities in Hungary




Manifestations of hooliganism, vandalism, extremism, and even terrorist acts during sports events are not a new phenomenon in Europe. The safety of sporting events is one of the priorities of any modern state. Moreover, the government is entrusted both with legislative and organizational tasks. Two reasons can be identified, why it is necessary to protect sporting events against violations of public order and attacks on public safety. On the one hand, even when law enforcement agencies professionally use all the legislative instruments at their disposal, an unlawful encroachment may be committed, which may threaten the holding of a sporting event, the safety of the person and property both of athletes and of spectators. On the other hand, the failure to criminalize these actions means that law enforcement agencies are not endowed with sufficient powers to take appropriate measures in such situations. Depending on the violation of public safety or public order, criminal, administrative or disciplinary laws will apply. The difference in the need to apply a law or regulation, as well as to impose sanctions and prohibitions on offenders, can be seen only in the level of protection corresponding to the danger of violations. The safety of sporting events is historically believed to be the primary task of law enforcement agencies, however, the responsibility of sports federations and clubs in ensuring safety in time, before and after the competition should not be overlooked.


Sports Act, fans, video surveillance, responsibility, public safety, police, stewards, criminal law


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How to Cite

Rakhmanova, E. N., Tihanyi, M., & Szabolcs, M. (2022). The legal and organizational basis of ensuring safety of sports activities in Hungary. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 13(3), 759–770.



Comparative Law