Institute of forensic activity in Russia: Genesis and formation




The process of disclosing and investigating crimes provides for the need for a full-fledged forensic expert support in order to provide the subjects of the investigation with the necessary information and evidence in a comprehensive manner. The modern functional approach to the organization of forensic activities provides for the implementation of a comprehensive
support work of the relevant independent units aimed at the production of forensic examinations
and technical and forensic support for the detection, disclosure and investigation of crimes and other processes of countering illegal activities, implemented on the instructions of the initiators. This approach was formed considering the transformation of the political,
economic and social situation in Russia, the progressive development of scientific directions, as well as changes in the needs of expert and forensic support of operational search and criminal procedural activities. The historical and legal study of the key directions of the formation of the institution of forensic activity made it possible to identify five main stages in the development of the technical, scientific and methodological foundations for the subjects of the
application of special knowledge to support the processes associated with the disclosure and investigation of crimes. The genesis of the development of the institution of forensic support of the disclosure and investigation of crimes is considered considering the ideological, legal and social foundations of society corresponding to each time period, the specifics of introducing the achievements of domestic and foreign science into this activity. The findings made it possible to clearly demonstrate the evolution of the expansion of the competencies of subjects providing technical, forensic and forensic activities. They are largely due to the transformation
of the tasks and functions of specialized units, changes in approaches to their direct structural subordination, the establishment of procedures for control over the activities of forensic units, the peculiarities of organizing interaction with other law enforcement agencies.


expert research, technical and forensic support, accounting and registration activities, forensic departments, forensic activities, detection of crimes, disclosure of crimes, investigation of crimes, periodization, unctions


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How to Cite

Dronova, O. B., & Sidorenko, D. N. (2024). Institute of forensic activity in Russia: Genesis and formation. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 15(3), 780–797.


