Trade activities and investments in the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Ways and means of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of enterprises


  • Siyuan Jiang China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation, 7989, Waiqingsong Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, 201701, People’s Republic of China; Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, 7989, Waiqingsong Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, 201701, People’s Republic of China
  • Lan Luo Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, 7989, Waiqingsong Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, 201701, People’s Republic of China



The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global system. It has especially increased uncertainty in overseas investment and foreign trade activity of enterprises. The pandemic continues to cause economic, political and legal risks (especially compliance risk and default risk) faced by enterprises entering foreign markets and carrying out investment activities. Therefore, enterprises need to enhance their legal awareness, strengthen compliance management of overseas investment by enterprises and create a risk management system, and carry out investment activities on the premise that they comply with international rules, the legal norms of the host country and the relevant domestic laws and regulations. On this basis, governments should strengthen the rule of law concerning foreign affairs, improve related government regulations for overseas investments. According to the “Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021–2025) for National Economic and Social Development and Vision 2035 of the People’s Republic of China”, China will improve its legislation on overseas investment, support enterprises to integrate into the global industrial and supply chain, improve the transnational operational capacity and level, and guide enterprises to strengthen compliance management so they can prevent and resolve overseas political, economic, and security risks. The Government of the People’s Republic of China enhances friendly cooperation in the legal field and establishes working mechanisms for consultation and coordination with other countries. Much attention is paid to conducting research in the field of strengthening risk assessment methods and risk management for enterprises engaging in outward investment.


COVID-19, pandemic, trading activities, investment risks, Chinese investment legislation, outward investment, legal service


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How to Cite

Jiang, S., & Luo, L. . (2022). Trade activities and investments in the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Ways and means of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of enterprises. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 12(4), 1137–1153.



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