Editorial Board

Chief editor
Stoyko Nikolay Gennadievich

Doctor of Law, Professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Graduated from the law faculty of Krasnoyarsk State University in 1977. He studied in full-time postgraduate study at the Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov (1978–1981) and doctoral studies at St. Petersburg State University (2003–2006). In 1981 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Completion of a criminal case by proceedings due to the lack of proof of its actual circumstances." In 2009 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Law on the topic "Criminal Procedure of the Western States and Russia: A Comparative Legal Theoretical Study of the Anglo-American and Romano-Germanic Legal Systems". The academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics was awarded in 1990. Academic title of professor in the specialty "Criminal Procedure" - in 2018. He was engaged in human rights activities (1997-2011), including as the chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission for places of forced detention in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (2009-2010). For his merits in the development of the human rights movement, he was awarded a diploma by the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (2010). He was a member of the collegial bodies of the advocacy community (as a member of the qualification commission) and the judiciary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (as a member of the examination commission - 2001-2003, as a member of the qualification collegium - 2008-2010) and the Leningrad Region (as member of the examination committee - 2011).

List of publications in Pure


Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Vasilyev Ilia Alexandrovich
Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2008 - graduated from the legal direction of St. Petersburg State University, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, History of Legal Studies. 2008-2011 - Postgraduate student in the legal field of St. Petersburg State University. 2011 - defended his Ph.D. thesis on the research topic "State service of the Orthodox clergy in the Russian Empire 1900-1917." Medal of the International Historical and Cultural Project "Light and Freedom" (awarded to researchers of the legal heritage of Thomas Jefferson), Gratitude of the Intellectual Property Center of the International Law Firm EY for active scientific leadership and activities to popularize the legal profession among students. Member of the Expert Council at the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Development of Competition in Education and Science, member of the Russian Football Union Committee on the Status of Players, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Resolution of Disputes of the Football Federation of St. Petersburg, member of the Control and Disciplinary Committee of the Interregional Branch of Football Federations North-West », Member of the Public Council under the Russian MIA Administration for the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg.

List of publications in Pure


Scopus Author ID: 57196348447

Editorial team

Andreeva Olga Ivanovna

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Prosecutor's Supervision and Law Enforcement of the Law Institute of the National Research Tomsk State University, Russia

Has been working at Tomsk State University since 1990. During the period of her work at the university, she went from an intern-researcher to the head of the department of criminal procedure, prosecutor's supervision, and law enforcement at the Institute of Law. In 1994 she defended her dissertation on the topic "Limits of Dispositiveness in Criminal Proceedings", and in 2007 - her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Conceptual Foundations of the Relationship between the Rights and Obligations of the State and the Individual in the Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and Their Use for Legal Regulation of Activities on the disposition of the subject of criminal proceedings ”. Certificate of honor for training highly qualified specialists in the field of jurisprudence (Tomsk Regional Court, 2011), Gratitude for active participation in the work of the dissertation council (2012), Gratitude for many years of conscientious work in training highly qualified lawyers and in connection with the 135th anniversary of the day of the foundation of the National Research Tomsk State University (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, 2013), Diploma for assistance in promoting a healthy lifestyle, participation in interuniversity sports competitions and connection with the anniversary of the TSU Law Institute (Trade Union Organization of TSU, 2013), Gratitude for participation in the preparation proposals for the development of a draft resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, 2014). 



Amatucci Carlo

Doctor of Law, Professor of Business Law, Faculty of Political Science, University of Federico II, Naples, Italy

Repeatedly gave guest lectures at the Institute of World Economy of the People's University in Beijing, the London School of Economics at Kwansei Gakuin University (Osaka, Japan), at the International Summer School of the People's University in Beijing. Author of several monographs, including La partecipazione di società di capitali a società di persone, Napoli, Jovene, 1996; Fatto illecito della società e responsabilità proporzionata dei soci, Milano, Giuffrè, 2002; "Trasparenza e mercati finanziari", Napoli, De Frede, 2003, as well as articles published in renowned European specialized journals. He is a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals "Giurisprudenza commerciale" (ESI) and "Rivista di Diritto dell'Impresa" (ESI). He is a member of the Société de Législation Comparée, a professional legal association founded in Paris in 1869, a member of the Italian Association of Commercial Law Professors and the Disini Preite (Association of Companies Law Researchers).


Scopus Author ID:  55824670800


Butler William Elliot

Doctor of Science, Professor, Distinguished Professor of Law and International Relations named after John Edward Fuller, Honorary Professor of Comparative Law, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Penn State University Law School, Carlisle, United States of America, University of London, London, United Kingdom

Author, co-author, editor, or translator of more than 4800 books, articles, translations, reviews, projects. The most significant works of recent times are Russian Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009), Russian Criminal Law and Procedure (London, 2011), Russian Inheritance Law (London, 2014); Russian Law and Legal Institutions (London, 2014); Russian Family Law (London, 2015). An active participant and/or consultant in legislative work on the reform of Soviet law, Russian law, and the law of the CIS countries. Member of the editorial boards (editor, co-editor) of leading legal journals: since 2005 - in comparative law (The Journal of Comparative Law), since 2016 - in the history of international law (Jus Gentium: A Journal of the History of International Law). Has several honorary professional awards.


Scopus Author ID: 24324199900


Belykh Vladimir Sergeevich

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship, Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg, Russia 

Born in 1952, after graduating with honors from the Sverdlovsk Institute of Law in 1977, he entered the full-time postgraduate study at the Department of Economic Law and in 1980 defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Civil Law Ensuring the Quality of Supplied Machines and Equipment”. In 1994. defended his doctoral dissertation "Legal support of the quality of products, works, and services." Scientific and educational specialization: business law; Anglo-American law; banking law; exchange law; bankruptcy law; corporate rights; tax law; insurance law. He is the author of several scientific publications on the problems of Russia's national security: Threats to Russia's national security: internal and external factors; National and economic security of Russia - the main national project; Russia is on the verge of joining the WTO, while Georgia and Ukraine are on the verge of joining NATO; Russia in the context of globalization and military confrontation; Does Russia need a national idea? The articles were published in the journal "Business, Management and Law". The results of theoretical studies form the basis of the disciplines "Entrepreneurial Law", "Exchange Law", "Insurance Law", "Competition Law". Belykh V.S. trained over 2,500 lawyers, masters of law, 26 candidates of sciences, 3 doctors of sciences. His students work as university professors, employees of industry and academic institutions, legal advisers, lawyers, judges, executives of legislative and executive authorities, local self-government in different cities and regions of Russia. He is the chairman of the Academic Council of the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship, a member of the Academic Council of the Ural State Law Academy, Deputy Chairman of the Academy's Dissertation Council for scientific specialties. Professor V.S. Belykh - Judge of the Arbitration Court at the RF CCI. He is an expert of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Committee on Constitutional Legislation of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Expert Group on Improving Tax Legislation of the RF CCI. He is the editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical economic and legal journal "Business, Management and Law". For more than five years this publication has been published with various thematic issues, in which articles were published by famous Russian and foreign scientists, heads of enterprises and other business structures, representatives of state authorities and local governments, as well as graduate students, applicants and students of the Academy and other universities. He was awarded the badges "Honorary Advocate of Russia" and "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" (2006). December 16, 2008, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation." 


Scopus Author ID: 24324199900


Biryukov Pavel Nikolaevich

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law, International Law and Comparative Law, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

1983–1988 - studied at the Faculty of Law, Voronezh State University. 1991 - defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "The legal mechanism for the implementation of the norms of international humanitarian law in the USSR" at the Kazan State University (now Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University). 2001 - defended a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "International criminal procedure law and the legal system of the Russian Federation: theoretical problems" at Kazan State University. 2006 - awarded the academic title of professor. Research interests: international law; international organizations; problems of correlation between international and domestic law; international cooperation in the fight against crime; European Union law; transportation and tourism; financial right; administrative law; foreign law enforcement agencies; comparative jurisprudence; company law. Executor of the grant - the EU project "Development of a master's program" European and international law "in Eastern Europe" ("European and International Law Master Program Development in Eastern Europe", InterEULawEast) [544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS -JPCR] under the European Commission's TEMPUS program. Performer within the framework of the project of the Seventh EU Framework Program "European Identity, Cultural Diversity, and Political Change, EUinDepth" [Grant Agreement Number: PIRSES-GA-2013-612619] (2015-2017). Member of the NCC at the Intellectual Property Court.


Scopus Author ID: 56437704400

Brinchuk Mikhail Mikhailovich

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Environmental Law Research Sector, IGP RAS, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D. thesis "Legal protection of atmospheric air in developed capitalist countries" was defended in 1978, the doctoral dissertation was defended in 1991. The topic of the thesis is "Legal protection of the environment from pollution by toxic substances." Research interests: topical problems for Russian society and the state, including problems of increasing the efficiency of the ecological function of the Russian state; development of theoretical foundations for the formation of modern environmental legislation and law; methodological foundations for the development of environmental law; creation of the concept of the legal protection of the environment from chemical pollution; improving mechanisms for ensuring the observance and protection of environmental human rights; improvement of mechanisms for preparation and adoption of environmentally significant decisions; creating a legal framework for environmentally sound sustainable development; study of legal problems of environmental protection in emergencies caused by accidents and natural disasters, development of environmental law in the context of globalization.   


Scopus Author ID: 54941059500


Wang Jia Hui

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Heilongjiang University Law Institute, Harbin, China 

Research and Development Institute of Heilongjiang University, Research Center for the Study of Law and Law-Based Development, Subject Editor of the Scientific Journal "Northern Jurisprudence", Board Member Research Society and Law Society China Law Society, Chairman Research Society and Legal Representation in the Legal State, Heilongjiang, Executive Director of the Research Society Standing Committee and Research Financial Law. In recent years, about 30 articles have been published on jurisprudence, economic law, and Russian law. Northeast Asia Arbitration Investigation Committee and US Arbitration and Legal Committee. Deji Law Firm of Heilongjiang Province. Arbitrator of Harbin Arbitration Commission, Mudanjiang Arbitration Commission, and Suihua Arbitration Commission.


Kazinyan Gagik Sergeevich

Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member of NAS RA, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia

Research interests: criminal procedural law, the theory of evidence, problems of combating crime. Author of over 120 scientific works, including 42 monographs and textbooks. Member of the Council of Justice of the Republic of Armenia. As a member of the commission, he participated in the work on the preparation of amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia in 2015, a member of the working groups on the preparation of drafts of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia, the Judicial Code of the Republic of Armenia, the Law on the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Armenia. President of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia, Vice-President of the International Union of Lawyers. Winner of the Mkhitar Gosh medal. Honorary Lawyer of the Republic of Armenia. 



Kim Minju 

JD, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Social Sciences and Faculty of Law, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

Author of numerous scientific works in English, German, Japanese on civil law, comparative law.



Kononov Pavel Ivanovich

Doctor of Law, Professor, Judge of the Judicial Collegium for Consideration of Disputes Arising from Administrative Legal Relations of the Second Arbitration Court of Appeal, Senior Scientist of the Volga-Vyatka Institute (branch) of the Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy), Kirov, Russia

In 1986 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Law Institute named after R.A. Rudenko with a degree in jurisprudence. In 1994 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic “Administrative responsibility of officials”. In 2002 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Law on the topic "Administrative procedural legislation and the problems of its codification." 1986-1990 served in the internal affairs bodies as an investigator and head of the investigation department. 1990-1991 - Judge of the District People's Court. In 1991-2002, he was teaching at higher educational institutions of the legal profile. From November 2002 to February 2012 he was a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Kirov region. From February 2012 to the present - judge of the Second Arbitration Court of Appeal. Honorary Worker of the Judicial System of the Russian Federation. Author of over 100 scientific and educational works, including 5 monographs, more than 10 textbooks (in co-authorship) on administrative law and procedure. Research interests: administrative law, administrative process, history of administrative law, and process. 



Long Changhai

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Law Institute of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China

Author of numerous works in Chinese and Russian on criminal law. Member of the Research Association of Criminal Law of the PRC, member of the Association of Legal Sciences of the PRC, member of the Association of Legal Sciences of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the PRC. Government awards in philosophy and social sciences of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the PRC.  



Manssen Gerrit

Doctor of Science, Professor, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany

Research interests: administrative law, constitutional law, state law. Author, co-author, or editor of a significant number of educational and scientific works.



Pang Dongmei

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the Law Institute, Director of the Center for Russian Law, Chairman of the Research Association of Russian Law and Legal System, Henan University, Henan, China

She graduated from Heilongjiang University in 1994 and started working at this university. She studied at the magistracy of Heilongjiang University (2001-2004), postgraduate studies at FEFU (2005-2009), and doctoral studies at Beijing Normal University (in the future). In 2008 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Countering crimes committed by citizens of the PRC in the Russian Far East." In 2012 she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Law on the topic "The doctrine of the composition of crime in Russia." She was engaged in human rights activities, including as a member of the Committee for Supervision of the Implementation of the Laws of the Harbin Municipal District (2015-2018). I work as a licensed attorney, legal advisor to the Heilongjiang Provincial Government.


Scopus Author ID: 57209509356, 57028468000


Nurgaliev Bakhyt Moldatiaevich

Doctor of Law, Professor, Institute of Legal and Comparative Research of Karaganda University "Bolashak", Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Research interests: criminal law and criminology; criminal procedure and forensics; problems of combating organized crime and corruption. More than 200 scientific works have been published, many of which are devoted to the problems of combating corruption and organized crime, more than 20 monographs, the first textbook on criminalistics in Kazakhstan (2008), a joint textbook on criminal procedure with Russian scientists (2013). Author of over 180 scientific papers, many of which are devoted to the problems of combating organized crime and corruption. As a consultant and a member of the working group, he participated in the preparation of new Criminal, Criminal Procedure Codes, and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Fight against Corruption".


Scopus Author ID: 56275926800


Rossinskaya Elena Rafailovna

Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the Department of "Exact Methods in the Humanities", Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Moscow State Law Academy named after O. E. Kutafin (MSLA), Moscow, Russia       

The sphere of scientific interests is left with theoretical and applied problems of forensic science and forensic examination. She is the author of more than 300 scientific and educational-methodical works (monographs, comments on laws, textbooks, manuals, methodological recommendations, articles, copyright certificates for inventions). Full member of the International Association for Identification (IAI USA), honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, retired police colonel, member of the International Police Association (IPA). He is a member of the Academic Council of the Russian Federal Center for Forensic Expertise, on the presidium of the Educational and Methodological Association "Forensic Expertise" of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and heads the section "Forensic Engineering and Technical Expertise" of this association. Member of the interdepartmental scientific and methodological council for fire and technical expertise and several other councils.   


Scopus Author ID: 6507606441


Sredkova Krasimira Ivanova

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Social Insurance of the Faculty of Law, Sofia University. St. Clement of Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria

Member of the European Committee of Social Rights.


Tarbagaev Aleksei Nikolaevich
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Research interests: criminal legal counteraction to crimes of a terrorist and extremist nature, improvement of the system of punishments in Russian criminal law. Author of over 100 scientific and educational - methodical works. 7 scientific papers published in English, German, and Spanish in France, Germany, Holland, Spain, South Africa. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Letter of Commendation from the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. 


Scopus Author ID: 54941181800

Tomashevski Kirill Leonidovich
Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Civil and Business Law V. G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovation University. G. Timiryasov, Kazan, Russia

Research interests: national, international and comparative labor law, interdisciplinary scientific research. Holder of a commendation from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus (2005), a diploma of a laureate of the BSU. IN AND. Pichety (2009) Scholarship holder of the President of the Republic of Belarus for talented young scientists for 2011. Awarded with a diploma of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Science and Education Workers (2011), a medal "110 gadoў prafsyuznamu rukh Belarusi" (2015). Winner of diplomas of the Competition for the prize. V.D. Spasovich (in 2011, 2014 and 2018), diplomas in the International competition of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids for teachers of Russian and foreign law universities in the category "Labor Law" for the best textbook (1st place - in 2017), for the best monograph (1st place - in 2018).



Faiziev Shokhrud Farmonovich

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Legal Studies, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan


Szpoper Dariusz
Doctor of Science, Honorary Doctor of Science, Professor, Pomeranian Academy, Slupsk, Poland

Research interests: political thought, legal issues of the Russian Empire, Kingdom of Poland. Winner of the "Both Nations" Prize, awarded by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Seimas of the Republic of Poland and the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 2008; Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Lithuania, 2009; medals of the National Education Committee, 2011; medals of Stanislav and Gabriel Narutovich, 2012; Stars of Lithuanian diplomacy, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, 2013; gold medal of the Russian Historical Society. Badge of honor of a Russian notary. Doctor Honoris Causa State University Ivane Javakhishvili in Tbilisi, 2015.  


Scopus Author ID: 56374482200


Yudin Andrew Vladimirovich
Doctor of Law, Professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Queen ", Samara. Russia

2002 - awarded the academic degree "Candidate of Legal Sciences". 2010 - awarded the academic degree "Doctor of Law". Research interests: civil procedural law, arbitration procedural law. The total number of publications is 184.


ResearcherID: B-8341-2017

Scopus Author ID: 57201135745 


Yalbulganov Alexander Alibievich

Doctor of Law, Chief Researcher of the Research Institute of the O.E. Kutafin University (MSLA), Moscow, Russia

1996 - candidate of sciences: specialty 12.00.14 "Administrative law, financial law, information law". 2000 - Doctor of Laws: specialty 20.02.03 "Military law, military problems of international law". Research interests: financial law, land law, tax law, history of financial law. Certificate of honor of the Higher School of Economics (December 2019). In 2002, for his contribution to the development of the domestic science of financial law, he was awarded the 200th Anniversary of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation medal.   



Scopus Author ID: 56374482200