Settling cross-border disputes of a private law nature as part of the legal regulation mechanism




Private legal relations with a foreign element require specific legal regulation, highlighting the immediate need for an effective resolution mechanism. The article explores the interconnection and interaction of the various components within the legal regulation mechanism, which is conceptualized as a complex and multifaceted system. This system encompasses the rulemaking, the implementation of legal rules and the utilization of state coercion in instances of non-compliance. The authors made an effort to determine the distinct features of the settlement process for cross-border disputes of a private law nature, which constitutes an essential component of the legal regulation mechanism. The article consistently covers the challenges that arise when law enforcement officers address the international treaties and customs, select an appropriate legal order and apply foreign law if conflicts-of-laws rule refers to it. Particularly, such institutions of private international law as “the problem of qualification of legal concepts”, “remission” and “transmission”, “preliminary question” were analyzed. Special emphasis is given to the challenges encountered by law enforcement officers when determining the content of foreign law, which has been chosen as applicable following the resolution of a conflict of laws. Despite the various methods offered by the legislator to determine the content of foreign law, practical evidence reveals persistent challenges arising from the ambiguity surrounding their sequence and extent of application. In certain instances, the application of foreign law may be accompanied by substantial limitations, either due to their inapplicability based on the contradictions with the public order of the state, or the existence of directly applicable rules of a super-imperative nature in the law of the court’s country.


Ключевые слова:

foreign element, private law disputes, mechanism of legal regulation, conflict-oflaws rule, qualification of legal concepts, remission, foreign law, public order clause


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Библиографические ссылки


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Как цитировать

Smorgunova , V. I., Aleshina , A. V., & Kosovskaia, V. A. (2024). Settling cross-border disputes of a private law nature as part of the legal regulation mechanism. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Право, 15(4), 1118–1131.



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