150th anniversary of professor M. A. Taube: years of development and triumph, oblivion and renaissance


  • William E. Butler Pennsylvania State University, 150, South College St., Carlisle, PA, 17013, USA
  • Vitaliy S. Ivanenko St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation




This article discusses the life and work of a talented Russian legal scholar and international lawyer, an authoritative public and political figure of the late 19th — first half of 20nd centuries, Professor of St. Petersburg University, Baron Mikhail Alexandrovich Taube, 150 years since his birth which was celebrated in 2019. M. A. Taube occupied a prominent place in the scientific, educational, social and political life of both pre-revolutionary and foreign emigrant Russia, was prolific in many fields of scientific knowledge and socially significant activity, but having left Russia after the October revolution of 1917, was forgotten for many years. The article is based on the domestic, foreign scientific materials, and archival sources, including the half-forgotten scientific works of M. A. Taube in the field of theory and history of international law, as well as archival material, mostly new and original, discovered by the authors in the state archives of St. Petersburg and the Bakhmeteff archive of Columbia University, and the collections of the Library of Congress, mostly introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The article pays tribute to Professor M. A. Taube on his 150th anniversary year, thereby commemorating the name and works of an individual who made a significant contribution to the development of the St. Petersburg school of international law.


M. A. Taube, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg University, Ministry of foreign Affairs, history, international law, war, peace


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How to Cite

Butler, W. E., & Ivanenko, V. S. (2019). 150th anniversary of professor M. A. Taube: years of development and triumph, oblivion and renaissance. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 10(4), 796–814. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu14.2019.412



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