Legal regulation of general and special nature management in the Russian Federation


  • Елена Сергеевна Болтанова National Research Tomsk State University, 36, pr. Lenina, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation



Taking into account the complexity of natural resources, the diversity of relations on environmental management, the field of environmental management is affected by various branches of law. A significant role in the creation of an ecological and legal mechanism of environmental management belongs to the norms of environmental and civil legislation. Each of these sectors, on the basis of protected interest, principles of legal regulation, provides a kind of legal regulation of relations on natural resources. The recognition of natural resources as objects of civil rights is of great practical importance since it allows the use of civil legislation and the use of civil remedies. At the same time, it should be noted that natural resources are part of nature, subject to its General laws, have a common purpose, a social role. Therefore, the regulation of relations on nature management is not limited only by private law norms and is provided by public law provisions, the purpose of which is to preserve and improve the natural environment. At the same time, it is necessary to recognize that integration processes in law lead to a joint legal impact of these industries, which should be coordinated. Such approvals are diametrically opposed areas of law help ecologized standards. Such norms allow ensuring the environmental interests of society in the use of natural resources and help to harmonize norms and use in environmental law established civil structures.


environmental management, civil law, environmental law, General management, special management, environmental and legal framework


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How to Cite

Болтанова, Е. С. (2018). Legal regulation of general and special nature management in the Russian Federation. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 9(4), 640–652.



Legal Life: Scientific-Practical Conclusions, Comments and Reviews