Reform of civil legislation in the light of liberal economic theory


  • Дмитрий Викторович Нефёдов St. Petersburg branch of National Research University Higher School of Economics, 16, Soyuza Pechatnikov str., St. Petersburg, 190008, Russian Federation


The author evaluates the grounds for reforming civil legislation from the perspective of liberal economic theory and informs the readers about the possibility to use the methods of an economic theory in a legal research. The author proposes to use the economic theory as an instrument to analyze the sources of legislation. The author proves the difference between economic and legal relations in the property sphere. He formulates the main quality of objective economic relations: their absolute freedom, while legal property relations are always characterized by a certain extent of freedom.


economic analysis of law, economic theory, sources of law, legal doctrine, economics, absolute freedom, property relations, difference between economic and legal relations in the property sphere


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How to Cite

Нефёдов, Д. В. (2014). Reform of civil legislation in the light of liberal economic theory. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (2), 48–61. Retrieved from



Civil and Commercial Law

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