Contradiction of the category "combining jobs" of the Russian labor law to the conventional international and constitutional principles


  • Владимир Викторович Шишкин Университет Российской академии образования, Челябинский филиал, 55, ул. Красноармейская, Челябинск, 454006, Российская Федерация


In the article the question of compliance of the category "combining jobs" to the constitutional and international principles is considered, the discrimination essence of the category "combining jobs" locates. The appearance in the Russian labor law of the category "part-time" initially due to the attempt to restrict the employment rights of certain categories of workers, which at the time was justified by political goals. The preservation of subsequently this category actually leads to an unreasonable restriction of the rights of workers and is one of the obstacles to the integration of Russia into the international community.


Moonlighting, discrimination, principles of law, the Constitution, equality of rights in employment, Labor code


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How to Cite

Шишкин, В. В. (2015). Contradiction of the category "combining jobs" of the Russian labor law to the conventional international and constitutional principles. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (2), 56–65. Retrieved from



Labour Law