Forced collection of customs duties as a measure of administrative-legal coercion


  • Павел Николаевич Сафоненков Russian Custom Academy; 4, Komsomol prospect, Lyubertsy, Moskow Region, 140009, Russian Federation


The article gives a legal description for the enforced collection of customs duties as a measure of administrative-legal coercion. The methodological basis of the research was the complex General philosophical, General scientific and special legal methods of scientific knowledge (formal-legal, analytical, comparative-legal, normative-logical, system, etc.), the study concluded that the forced collection of customs duties is an administrative and rehabilitative measure, aimed at meeting the fiscal interests of the States – participants of the Customs Union in the customs field, including a complex of measures on elimination of harmful consequences of the illegal behavior of the subjects of customs legal relations. The article also analyzed the problematic issues arising in law enforcement practice of customs authorities associated with the return (off set) excessively paid or excessively collected customs duties and taxes, causing cancellation of customs decisions by courts in 95% of cases, the proposed solutions to them. Refs 7.


collection, customs duties, practice, enforcement, measures, problems


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How to Cite

Сафоненков, П. Н. (2016). Forced collection of customs duties as a measure of administrative-legal coercion. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (1), 74–85. Retrieved from



Administrative law