The interaction between the bodies of local self-government and subjects of innovative activity in science cities


  • Максим Игоревич Суходолов St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


In this article, the author addresses the problem of participation of municipalities in the process of innovative development of the Russian Federation. This theme is investigated on the example of the science cities as one of the types of innovative development territory. To identify the characteristics of interaction between local authorities and subjects of innovative activity the author investigates federal normative legal acts and municipal legal acts of science cities. Management of science city as a territory of innovative development is carried out by the local authorities without any delegation of powers by local self-government entities of private law (management companies), as observed in other territories of innovative development. The science city is the example of such approach to management of a territory of innovative development, where the impact on the competence of local government by other levels of public authorities and subjects of private law is the least pronounced. The competence of the science city as an urban district is not subject to "blur" effect to the above stakeholders, and its implementation is carried out within the framework stipulated by the Federal law "On the status of science town of the Russian Federation" and the federal legislation. Refs 2.


local self-government, innovation development, science cities, territories of innovative development


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Источники и литература

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How to Cite

Суходолов, М. И. (2016). The interaction between the bodies of local self-government and subjects of innovative activity in science cities. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (1), 53–62. Retrieved from



Municipal law