Principles of the legislation of the financial provisions of delegated state powers in the Russian Federation


  • Елена Михайловна Андреева Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 21, ul. Sadovaya, St. Petersburg, 191023, Russian Federation



The paper presents analysis of the financial component of the legislation of authority in its part concerning delegated authority. In a federal state, in case of the delegation of state authority, expenses arising from such delegation have to be financially guaranteed. In particular, this concerns relationships between the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation. The legislation of authority does not specify the principles of the financial provisions of the delegated authority in detail. The detailed analysis of legislation in this sphere has allowed the author to propose basic principles aimed at regulating the financial provisions of the delegated authority. Refs 14.


budget, financial provision, delegated powers, interbudgetary transfers, subventions, principles, Budget Code of Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Андреева, Е. М. (2016). Principles of the legislation of the financial provisions of delegated state powers in the Russian Federation. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (2), 46–58.



Financial law