Legal space: formation of the systematic conception of legal regulation


  • Мария Александровна Капустина Saint Petersburg State University,7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the formation of a systematic conception of legal regulation in unified legal space. It is noted that in the Russian and the English legal literature the concept of the regulation of social relations is often identified with legislative regulation. In English language studies regulation is used in the sense of a normative act, state regulation which is based on the law and opposed in this sense to the process of autonomous regulation (self-regulation), associated with the reduction of state influence in a particular sphere of life, such as economics (economic liberalization). The objective of regulation is the formation of a certain order in social relations and providing a unity of legal space. It is revealed however that in spite of the great extent to which the mechanism of state regulation is organized, its efficiency in contemporary conditions is, in some cases, decreasing. An increase in the volume of legislation and other government establishments does not provide unity of legal space. Today, regulation is often carried out in the legal space of relations between the representatives of different legal cultures, in particular in the Eurasian cultural and legal space. Therefore, the formation of a systematic conception of legal regulation necessarily presupposes the study of problems of socially significant behavior and the activities of individuals in the conditions of cultural interaction. “Culture shock” due to contemporary processes of migration may disrupt the unity of the legal regulation space in connection with the formation of the so-called shadow “law” which is opposed to official rules. The unity of the legal space can be achieved on the basis of the systematic conception of legal regulation which, in the conditions of the cultural and legal context, combines the requirement of legislative stability with the flexibility of state regulation. Refs 12.


Theory of Law and State, legal regulation, the systematic approach, legal space, legal norms, legislation, legal policy, legal culture


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How to Cite

Капустина, М. А. (2016). Legal space: formation of the systematic conception of legal regulation. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (2), 4–11.



Theory and History of Law and State