Background for the revival of lecturing and research in international law at the restored St.Petersburg University


  • Виталий Семенович Иваненко Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The author further examines the origin of the Russia’s university educational system in the early 19th century. He looks into specific conditions and characteristics of lecturing and research in international law at Petersburg Pedagogical Institute (organised according to universities’ educational programs), and then at the early stages of restoration and redevelopment of St. Petersburg University. The author reviews scholarly writings and teachings of the first professors and lecturers who taught law courses, including “the law of nations” (international law), at Petersburg Pedagogical Institute, later St. Petersburg University. He analyses objective factors contributing to or affecting the comprehensive study of international law at St. Petersburg University. Refs 13.


University Study System in the early 19th century, St. Petersburg State University, international law, teaching organisations


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How to Cite

Иваненко, В. С. (2017). Background for the revival of lecturing and research in international law at the restored St.Petersburg University. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (4), 89–103.



History of the Development of Legal Science