Beria against the pensioner Baturina: commentary to the “Case of Beriya and Beriya Associates”


  • Вадим Вадимович Петров Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The purpose of this paper is analysis of a fragment of the criminal sentence known in the case history as the “Case of Beriya and Beriya Associates”. The author has conducted detailed analysis of the part of the sentence related to the names of M. Kedrov, I. Kedrov, V. Golubev and the pensioner A. Baturina. The author of the paper draws readers’ attention to the fact that some provisions of the sentence contradict the information reported by the people who knew the factual circumstances connected with the arrest of V. Golubev, I. Kedrov, A. Baturina. The paper throws doubt upon the motives which, according to the preliminary investigation, L. P. Beriya was actuated by when dispatching Kedrov father and son, Golubev, and Baturina. Proceeding from the fact that some literacy sources contain information about the murder of Beriya during his arrest on June 26, 1953, the author challenges the authenticity of the transcripts of his interrogation during the preliminary investigation. The author of the paper draws attention to “one of the leaders of the party and the state” whose personality was not established by the preliminary investigation”. Analyzing the information given in the paper the author challenges the authenticity of the transcripts of the interrogation of Beria that have been published so far. Refs 7.


the case of Case of Beriya and Beriya Associates, the motives of L. P. Beriya, the authenticity of the protocols of interrogations of L. P. Beriya


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How to Cite

Петров, В. В. (2017). Beria against the pensioner Baturina: commentary to the “Case of Beriya and Beriya Associates”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, (4), 36–48.



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