The fourth generation of human rights in a smart society and its change in fundamental rights




With the in-depth development of the digital economy and smart society, the form of human rights is undergoing a profound digital restructuring, thereby disrupting the existing development model of the third generation of human rights and opening up the fourth generation of human rights, represented by “digital human rights”. The concept of digital human rights can be defined as the legal right of a person to endlessly expand his personality through digital means, the central feature of which is transboundary, that is, each person lives in a transdimensional, transnational and transpersonal cyberspace. Digital human rights stem from the information revolution, which acts as the driving force for their development. There was a fundamental turn in their intensional logic. Qualitative modernization has been achieved in the essence of values. Within the relationship there is a social expansion of interrelated obligations. To do this, it is necessary to develop a completely new vision of digital human rights, define the connotation of the concept of digital human rights, summarize the characteristics of digital restructuring of forms of human rights and study the need for their institutionalization, thereby ensuring effective legal protection of digital human rights. The most important thing in building a mechanism protection of digital human rights is whether digital human rights can enter the scope of constitutional protection. As for the Chinese Constitution, the type and content of fundamental rights enshrined in it are generally based on the results of the second industrial revolution. Digital human rights will change the structure and content of most fundamental rights in the future, including changing fundamental rights such as personality rights, property rights, communication rights and labor rights, etc., provided for by the People’s Republic of China Constitution, and promote the establishment of China’s legal protection system digital human rights based on the constitution.


smart society, human rights, information revolution, digital human rights, digital characteristics, fundamental rights, constitutional rights


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How to Cite

Gong, N. (2024). The fourth generation of human rights in a smart society and its change in fundamental rights. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 15(4), 1153–1176.



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