Criminological portrait of the “thief in law” today: Results of the All-Russian penitentiary research




In legal science and law enforcement, there is no certainty about the relationship between
the concepts of “thief in law” and “person occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy”, which leads to problems and errors when bringing to criminal responsibility under Part 4 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code and Art. 2101 of the Criminal Code. In order to solve this problem, a study was conducted among the operational staff of institutions of the penitentiary system engaged in countering penitentiary crime in general and organized crime in part icular, professionally possessing knowledge in the field of criminal subculture. As a result of the study, were established: signs of a person who cannot be a “thief in law”; signs of
a person who is a “thief in law”; the relationship between the concepts of “thief in law” and “person occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy”; the procedure for conferring the title of “thief in law” (the procedure of “coronation”, “baptism”); the procedure for depriving the title of “thief in law”. In addition, the moment of the end of crimes related to the occupation of the highest position in the criminal hierarchy has been determined, the circle of persons included in the number of subjects of crimes provided for in Part 4 of Art. 210 of
the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 2101 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation, the rights and obligations of “thief in law”, their functions and powers in the criminal environment are established.


poser, ooker, higher position, criminal environment, criminal subculture, organized crime, thief in law


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How to Cite

Morozov, A. S. (2024). Criminological portrait of the “thief in law” today: Results of the All-Russian penitentiary research. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 15(3), 749–779.


