Direction with the discovery of legal control in the field of support for rare types of entrepreneurial activity


  • Andrey L. Belousov Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



Within the framework of the article, an analysis of the current state of legal support in the field of support for certain types of entrepreneurial activity was carried out and ways for further development of legislation in this area were proposed. An assessment is made of the current preferential legal regimes for conducting certain types of entrepreneurial activity. In particular, the author focuses on special economic zones, industrial (industrial) parks, a special investment contract and territories of advanced socio-economic development. The problems of each of the considered legal regimes are indicated. Based on this, theoretical proposals are formulated aimed at optimizing and increasing the efficiency of the entire system of measures to support individual sectors of the economy. These theoretical proposals are based on a single conceptual model of legal regulation of preferential regimes for doing business. The basis of the new conceptual model should be a separate Law on preferential regimes for doing business. Within the framework of this normative act, the preferential legal regimes that are currently quite fragmented in relation to each other will unite into a coherent and orderly system of tools to support certain areas of entrepreneurial activity.


legal regime; entrepreneurial activity; special economic zones; industrial park; special investment contract; territory of priority development; investments.


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How to Cite

Belousov, A. L. (2024). Direction with the discovery of legal control in the field of support for rare types of entrepreneurial activity. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 15(1), 136–151.



Public and Private Law: Applied Research