Forensic features of methods of committing theft using methods of social engineering and information and telecommunication technologies


  • Nina I. Starostenko Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



Many online media have recently been focusing on the topic of social engineering fraud. Business leaders, computer security experts, and lawyers, in particular, law enforcement officers, however, do not fully understand the kinds of frauds that can be conducted through or with the aid of the Internet and mobile communication, or the ramifications of such frauds for the future of e-commerce. The article will present a forensic characteristic of the system of actions for the preparation, commission and concealment of fraud using social engineering methods and information and telecommunications technologies.

This paper has three principal goals. First, it will identify the principal types of social engineering frauds that law enforcement and regulatory authorities are observing. Second, it will explain the major psychological influence techniques that criminals use in conducting such frauds. Third, it will identify the patterns of preparation, commission and concealment of fraud of this type. The paper will begin by presenting a typology of the criminal and the forensic characteristics of his illegal activity. Also, will explore the principal psychological features of social engineering fraud. In conclusion, the features of the methods of committing fraud of the analyzed category of crimes will be summarized and its characteristic features will be revealed.


criminalistics, social engineering, methods of social engineering, methods of committing fraud, information and telecommunications technologies.


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How to Cite

Starostenko, N. I. (2024). Forensic features of methods of committing theft using methods of social engineering and information and telecommunication technologies. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 15(1), 152–170.


