Coordination legal technology in the United Kingdom (on the example of chosen regions)


  • Алексей Анатольевич Максуров Yaroslavl State University named after P. G. Demidov, 14, Sovetskaya st., Yaroslavl, 150000, Russian Federation



The article deals with the problems of fixing coordination norms in the legislation of Scotland. The material is of interest as a positive foreign experience and the possibility of its use in Russia. From the point of view of the etymological approach, it is, therefore, necessary to coordinate, that is, to establish an appropriate relationship between any actions and phenomena. On the basis of this approach in science today, the blending of coordination with similar phenomena and categories prevail (for example, cooperation, integration, cooperation). Such an understanding is unlikely to be correct, since it, on the one hand, ignores the will of coordinated actors and other participants in the coordination process in the development of coordination decisions, and coordination itself is reduced to the exercise by the coordinating entity of their power. From the very concept of coordination comes its focus on the concrete result, and the result here can only be the increase in the effectiveness of coordinated actions and efforts. In essence, coordination is a philosophical category, considered in the form of a system of concepts, categories and opposing subordination. The value of coordination as a general scientific category lies in the possibility through its obtaining of the synergy effect of activity, any coordination processes and coordination interaction. By coordination, greater effectiveness of the actors’ activities should be achieved as if they acted in the absence of coordination and interaction. We believe that Scottish legislation contains coordination norms and elements of coordination doctrine, which may be interesting for domestic law.


coordination, constitutional norms, international cooperation, information, authorization


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Drucker, Peter F. 2016. The Practice of Management. New York: Harper & Row.

Pritt, Denis N. 2013. The apparatus of the law. Book 2. London: Lawrence & Wishart Ltd.



How to Cite

Максуров, А. А. (2018). Coordination legal technology in the United Kingdom (on the example of chosen regions). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 9(3), 278–290.



Theory and History of Law and State