Подразумеваемые административные акты. Часть первая


  • Денис Сергеевич Андреев Сибирский федеральный университет, Российская Федерация, 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79; Сибирский университет науки и технологий, Российская Федерация, 660004, Красноярск, пр. им. газеты Красноярский рабочий, 31 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4481-6701




В статье на основе сравнительно-правового метода анализируется использование в российском и некоторых европейских правопорядках конструкции предполагаемых решений, когда бездействие публичной администрации приравнивается к принятию административного акта. В зависимости от особенностей терминологии такие акты могут называться также фиктивными, молчаливыми, имплицитными, предполагаемыми. В первой части статьи дается краткий обзор эволюции правового регулирования молчания публичной администрации во Франции, Нидерландах и Германии. Рассмотрено влияние Директивы Европейского союза от 12.12.2006 2006/123/EC об услугах на внутреннем рынке на развитие института подразумеваемых решений в странах Союза. Показаны концептуальная основа, основные достоинства и недостатки двух моделей имплицитных административных актов — негативного решения (основана на принципе молчаливого отказа) и положительного решения (базируется на принципе «молчание — знак согласия»). Несмотря на политические лозунги и формальное провозглашение того или иного принципа в законодательстве, можно утверждать, что на практике в европейских национальных правовых системах реализуется смешанная модель, сочетающая оба принципа. Функциональное значение подразумеваемых административных актов претерпело значительную эволюцию. Изначально целью этой конструкции являлось обеспечение возможности доступа к судебной защите прав частных лиц в случае бездействия публичной администрации в тех правопорядках, которые допускали судебную проверку законности только административных актов. В дальнейшем конструкция подразумеваемых административных актов стала использоваться на национальном и наднациональном уровнях как инструмент повышения эффективности деятельности публичной администрации, упрощения и ускорения административных процедур, стимулирования экономической активности.

Ключевые слова:

административное молчание, бездействие, публичная администрация, подразумеваемое решение, фиктивное решение, административный акт, административное решение, молчаливое разрешение, молчаливый отказ


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Библиографические ссылки


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Елистратов, Аркадий И. 1917. Основные начала административного права. М.: Изд. Г. А. Лемана и С. И. Сахарова.

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Anthony, Gordon. 2008. “Administrative silence and UK Public Law”. Curentul Juridic 3–4 (34–35). Дата обращения 11 апреля, 2021. http://revcurentjur.ro/old/index.php?page=arhiva&lang=en&nr=2008.

Batalli, Mirlinda. 2017. “Consequences of administrative silence in public administration”. SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe 20 (1): 139–152. https://doi.org/10.5771/1435-2869-2017-1-139

Bonomo, Annamaria. 2019. “The right to good administration and the administrative inaction: A troubled relationship”. Diritto Pubblico Europeo. Rassegna On-Line 2: 179–196. https://doi.org/10.6092/2421-0528/6463

Boros, Anita. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Hungary”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 283–308. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Chevalier, Emilie. 2020. “Silence in the French administrative system: A failed revolution?” The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 107–145. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, eds. 2020. The sound of silence in European administrative law. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edelstam, Gunilla. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Sweden”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 589–632. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Engewald, Bettina. 2020. “Administrative silence in Germany”. The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 67–106. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Franch, Marta, Joan Torrelles Boros. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Spain”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 573–587. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Gorozabel, Elizabeth M. C., Harold S. Q. Francis, Carolina E. C. Cevallos. 2017. “The application of the positive administrative silence in the Ecuadorian legislation”. Weber Sociology & Anthropology 8 (1): 824–828.

Graaf, Kars J. de, Nicole G. Hoogstra, Albert T. Marseille. 2020. “Remedies against administrative silence in the Netherlands”. The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 179–212. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Graaf, Kars J. de, Nicole G. Hoogstra. 2013. “Silence is golden? Tacit authorizations in the Netherlands, Germany and France”. Review of European Administrative Law 6 (2): 7–34.

Jansen, Oswald. 2015. “Silence of the administration”. Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper 3: 1–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2630147

Jurkowska-Gomułka, Agata, Kamilla Kurczewska, Katarzyna Kurzępa-Dedo. 2020. “Understanding administrative silence: A view of public officers from the Subcarpathia”. Public Administration Issues 6: 98–117. https://doi.org/10.17323/1999-5431-2020-0-6-98-117

Kovač, Polonca, Hanna D. Tolsma, Dacian C. Dragos. 2020. “In search of an effective model: A comparative outlook on administrative silence in Europe”. The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 3–29. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mirschberger, Michael. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Germany”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 225–282. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Parisio, Vera. 2013. “The Italian Administrative Procedure Act and public authorities’ silence”. Hamline Law Review 36 (1): 3–25.

Prechal, Sacha, Sybe de Vries and Frederik van Doorn. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Netherlands”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 435–474. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Railas, Lauri. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Finland”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 191–207. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Rozsnyai, Krisztina F., István Hoffman. 2020. “New Hungarian institutions against administrative silence: Friends or foes of the parties?” Studia Iuridica Lublinensia 29 (1): 109–127. https://doi.org/10.17951/sil.2020.29.1.109-127

Sever, Tina, Ana Đanić, Polonca Kovač. 2016. “Effective legal protection against the excessive length of administrative decision-making: The cases of Slovenia and Croatia”. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy 9 (1): 135–166. https://doi.org/10.1515/nispa-2016-0007

Skulová, Soňa, Lukáš Potěšil, David Hejč, Radislav Bražina. 2019. “Effectiveness of judicial protection against administrative silence in the Czech Republic”. Central European Public Administration Review 17 (1): 43–68. https://doi.org/10.17573/cepar.2019.1.03

Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, eds. 2012. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Verbeeck, Bengt, Ivo Carlens, Jurgen Neuts, Ludo M. Veny. 2020. “Legal instruments to confront administrative inaction in Belgium: A gift for the citizen but a curse for the government?” The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 147–178. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wade, William, Christopher Forsyth. 2004. Administrative Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Anthony, Gordon. 2008. “Administrative silence and UK Public Law”. Curentul Juridic 3–4 (34–35). Дата обращения 11 апреля, 2021. http://revcurentjur.ro/old/index.php?page=arhiva&lang=en&nr=2008.

Batalli, Mirlinda. 2017. “Consequences of administrative silence in public administration”. SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe 20 (1): 139–152. https://doi.org/10.5771/1435-2869-2017-1-139

Bonomo, Annamaria. 2019. “The right to good administration and the administrative inaction: A troubled relationship”. Diritto Pubblico Europeo. Rassegna On-Line 2: 179–196. https://doi.org/10.6092/2421-0528/6463

Boros, Anita. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Hungary”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 283–308. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Chevalier, Emilie. 2020. “Silence in the French administrative system: A failed revolution?” The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 107–145. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, eds. 2020. The sound of silence in European administrative law. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edelstam, Gunilla. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Sweden”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 589–632. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

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Engewald, Bettina. 2020. “Administrative silence in Germany”. The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 67–106. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Franch, Marta, Joan Torrelles Boros. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Spain”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 573–587. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Gorozabel, Elizabeth M. C., Harold S. Q. Francis, Carolina E. C. Cevallos. 2017. “The application of the positive administrative silence in the Ecuadorian legislation”. Weber Sociology & Anthropology 8 (1): 824–828.

Graaf, Kars J. de, Nicole G. Hoogstra, Albert T. Marseille. 2020. “Remedies against administrative silence in the Netherlands”. The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 179–212. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Graaf, Kars J. de, Nicole G. Hoogstra. 2013. “Silence is golden? Tacit authorizations in the Netherlands, Germany and France”. Review of European Administrative Law 6 (2): 7–34.

Jansen, Oswald. 2015. “Silence of the administration”. Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper 3: 1–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2630147

Jurkowska-Gomułka, Agata, Kamilla Kurczewska, Katarzyna Kurzępa-Dedo. 2020. “Understanding administrative silence: A view of public officers from the Subcarpathia”. Public Administration Issues 6: 98–117. https://doi.org/10.17323/1999-5431-2020-0-6-98-117

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Khvan, Leonid. 2015. “Fictitious administrative acts: prospects of regulation in the countries of Central Asia”. Ezhegodnik publichnogo prava 2016: Administrativnyi akt, 112–132. Мoscow, Infotropik Media Publ. (In Russian)

Kovač, Polonca, Hanna D. Tolsma, Dacian C. Dragos. 2020. “In search of an effective model: A comparative outlook on administrative silence in Europe”. The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 3–29. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Laturneri, Mari-Eme. 2015. “Legal significance of the absence of a response from an administrative body under French law”. Comitas Gentium. France-Russie. Accessed April 11, 2021. http://comitasgentium.com/ru/sudebnay_praktika/pravovoe-znachenie-otsutstvija-otveta. (In Russian)

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Mirschberger, Michael. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Germany”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 225–282. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Parisio, Vera. 2013. “The Italian Administrative Procedure Act and public authorities’ silence”. Hamline Law Review 36 (1): 3–25.

Prechal, Sacha, Sybe de Vries and Frederik van Doorn. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Netherlands”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 435–474. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Railas, Lauri. 2012. “The implementation of the Services Directive in Finland”. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Eds Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, 191–207. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Rozsnyai, Krisztina F., István Hoffman. 2020. “New Hungarian institutions against administrative silence: Friends or foes of the parties?” Studia Iuridica Lublinensia 29 (1): 109–127. https://doi.org/10.17951/sil.2020.29.1.109-127

Sever, Tina, Ana Đanić, Polonca Kovač. 2016. “Effective legal protection against the excessive length of administrative decision-making: The cases of Slovenia and Croatia”. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy 9 (1): 135–166. https://doi.org/10.1515/nispa-2016-0007

Skulová, Soňa, Lukáš Potěšil, David Hejč, Radislav Bražina. 2019. “Effectiveness of judicial protection against administrative silence in the Czech Republic”. Central European Public Administration Review 17 (1): 43–68. https://doi.org/10.17573/cepar.2019.1.03

Stelkens, Ulrich, Wolfgang Weiß, Michael Mirschberger, eds. 2012. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. The Hague: T. M. C. Asser Press.

Verbeeck, Bengt, Ivo Carlens, Jurgen Neuts, Ludo M. Veny. 2020. “Legal instruments to confront administrative inaction in Belgium: A gift for the citizen but a curse for the government?” The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law. Eds Dragos, Dacian C., Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, 147–178. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wade, William, Christopher Forsyth. 2004. Administrative Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.




Как цитировать

Андреев, Д. С. (2023). Подразумеваемые административные акты. Часть первая. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Право, 14(2), 318–336. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu14.2023.203



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