Ограничительные условия в соглашениях между предпринимателями и их работниками по праву зарубежных стран. Часть первая: Великобритания и Соединенные Штаты Америки


  • Андрей Александрович Чукреев Тюменский государственный университет, Российская Федерация, 625003, Тюмень, ул. Володарского, 6 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9502-8860




Обзорная статья посвящена так называемым ограничительным условиям, широко распространенным в договорах между предпринимателями и их работниками во многих зарубежных государствах. В России указанные условия в основном не поддерживаются судами, так как считается, что эти ограничения противоречат конституционным и иным нормам отечественного права. Цель данного исследования — анализ основ правового регулирования в зарубежных странах таких ограничительных условий, как соглашения о неконкуренции, непривлечении, непредпринимательстве и неразглашении. Этот анализ необходим для обоснованного ответа на вопрос о целесообразности признания в России правомерности такого рода соглашений. В первой части дается обзор права об отказах от конкуренции и иных подобных ковенантах Великобритании и США, во второй части — Германии, Франции, Японии, Китая и государств — членов Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС). В связи с особенно широким распространением таких ковенантов в США центральное место в исследовании занимает анализ основ их правового регулирования именно в этой стране. В юрисдикциях, в которых не запрещены соглашения о неконкуренции и другие подобные ограничительные условия, в качестве правого механизма уравновешивания конкурирующих интересов работодателей, работников и публичных интересов выступает правило разумного подхода, позволяющее судам в каждом конкретном споре оценивать указанные условия на предмет их соответствия защищаемым деловым интересам работодателя и другим критериям. Сделан вывод о целесообразности легализации в России соглашений о неконкуренции, непривлечении и непредпринимательстве с учетом положительного зарубежного опыта правового регулирования в этой сфере. В связи с этим необходимо будет закрепить в российском законодательстве аналог правила разумного подхода.

Ключевые слова:

ограничительное условие, соглашение о неконкуренции, соглашение о непривлечении, соглашение о непредпринимательстве, соглашение о неразглашении, свобода договора, свобода труда, коммерческие секреты, конфиденциальная информация


Данные скачивания пока недоступны.

Библиографические ссылки


Ваке, Андреас. 2006. «Свобода договора и оговорки о профессиональных ограничениях в римском и современном праве». Цивилистические исследования: Ежегодник гражданского права 2: 522–549.

Легашова, Елена С., Александр Р. Муксинов. 2010. «Соглашения о неконкуренции с работниками: английский опыт и российская действительность». Закон 4: 51–60.

Лютов, Никита Л. 2017. «Выплаты при увольнении и договоры о неконкуренции с руководящими работниками». Lex russica 10: 123–130. https://doi.org/10.17803/1729-5920.2017.131.10.123-130

Обухова, Евгения В. 2016. «Ограничительные условия в трудовых договорах». Право. Журнал Высшей школы экономики 2: 27–35. https://doi.org/10.17323/2072-8166.2016.2.27.35

Швалева, Елена С. 2018. «Ограничение мобильности работников в целях защиты интересов работодателя: соглашения о неконкуренции». Трудовое право в России и за рубежом 3: 40–43.

Amir, On, Orly Lobel. 2013. “Driving performance: A growth theory of noncompete law”. Stanford Technology Law Review 16 (30): 833–874.

Argenbright Rioux, Rachel. 2018. “The necessity for employer liability in unenforceable non-compete agreements”. University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review 86 (4): 995–1018.

Arnow-Richman, Rachel S. 2001. “Bargaining for loyalty in the information age: A reconsideration of the role of substantive fairness in enforcing employee noncompetes”. Oregon Law Review 80 (4): 1163–1244.

Arnow-Richman, Rachel. 2020. “The new enforcement regime: Revisiting the law of employee competition(and the scholarship of Professor Charles Sullivan) with 2020 vision”. Seton Hall Law Review 50 (5): 1223–1259.

Barnett, Jonathan M., Ted Sichelman. 2020. “The case for noncompetes”. University of Chicago Law Review 87 (4): 953–1049.

Bishara, Norman D., Evan Starr. 2016. “The incomplete noncompete picture”. Lewis & Clark Law Review 20 (2): 497–547.

Bishara, Norman D., Kenneth J. Martin, Randall S. Thomas. 2015. “An empirical analysis of noncompetition clauses and other restrictive postemployment covenants”. Vanderbilt Law Review 68 (1): 1–51.

Bishara, Norman D., Michelle Westermann-Behaylo. 2012. “The law and ethics of restrictions on an employee’s post-employment mobility”. American Business Law Journal 49 (1): 1–61.

Davis, Angie, Eric D. Reicin, Marisa Warren. 2015. “Developing trends in non-compete agreements and other restrictive covenants”. The American Bar Association Journal of Labor & Employment Law 30 (2): 255–272.

Ehrlich, Craig P., Leslie Garbarino. 2020. “Do secrets stop progress? Optimizing the law of non-disclosure agreements to promote innovation”. New York University Journal of Law & Business 16 (2): 279–316.

Flanagan, Jane, Terri Gerstein. 2020. “Sign on the dotted line”: How coercive employment contracts are bringing back the Lochner era and what we can do about it”. University of San Francisco Law Review 54: 441–472.

Flowers, M. Claire. 2018. “Facing the inevitable: The inevitable disclosure doctrine and the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016”. Washington and Lee Law Review 75 (4): 2207–2263.

Gilson, Ronald J. 1999. “The legal infrastructure of high technology industrial districts: Silicon Valley, Route 128, and covenants not to compete”. New York University Law Review 74 (3): 575–629.

Gomulkiewicz, Robert W. 2015. “Leaky covenants-not-to-compete as the legal infrastructure for innovation”. University of California Davis Law Review 49 (1): 251–304.

Hafiz, Hiba, Ioana Marinescu. 2023. “Labor market regulation and worker power”. University of Chicago Law Review 90 (2): 469–509.

Krause, Kelly. 2019. “Turning Wisconn Valley into the next Silicon Valley: Reforming Wisconsin Non-Compete Law to attract high-tech employers”. Marquette Law Review 103 (1): 237–266.

Lazar, Wendi S. 2008. “Employment agreements and cross border employment — confidentiality, trade secret, and other restrictive covenants in a global economy”. The Labor Lawyer 24 (2): 195–211.

Lobel, Orly. 2015. “The new cognitive property: Human Capital Law and the reach of intellectual property”. Texas Law Review 93 (4): 789–851.

Lobel, Orly. 2020a. “Gentlemen prefer bonds: How employers fix the talent market”. Santa Clara Law Review 59 (3): 663–700.

Lobel, Orly. 2020b. “Exit, voice & innovation: How human capital policy impacts equality (& how inequality hurts growth)”. Houston Law Review 57 (4): 781–812.

Moffat, Viva R. 2013. “Making non-competes unenforceable”. Arizona Law Review 54 (4): 939–984.

Murphy, Tonia H. 2015. “Covenants not to compete in employment contracts: Worth a closer look in the classroom”. Journal of Legal Studies Education 32 (1): 131–171.

Naidu, Suresh, Eric A. Posner. 2022. “Labor monopsony and the limits of the law”. Journal of Human Resources 57 (S): S284–S323.

O’Neill, Kate. 2010. “Should I stay or should I go? Covenants not to compete in a down economy: A proposal for better advocacy and better judicial opinions”. Hastings Business Law Journal 6 (1): 83–143.

Pivateau, Griffin T. 2007. “Putting the blue pencil down: An argument for specificity in noncompete agreements”. Nebraska Law Review 86 (3): 672–707.

Pivateau, Griffin T. 2019. “An argument for restricting the blue pencil doctrine”. Belmont Law Review 7 (1): 1–46.

Polden, Donald J. 2020. “Restraints on workers’ wages and mobility: No-poach agreements and the antitrust laws”. Santa Clara Law Review 59 (3): 579–613.

Prescott, James J., Norman D. Bishara, Evan Starr. 2016. “Understanding noncompetition agreements: The 2014 Noncompete Survey Project”. Michigan State Law Review 2: 369–464.

Raza, Saleem W. 2011. “Non-compete agreements in the United States, Europe and Australia”. Association of Corporate Counsel Docket 29 (3): 79–88.

Samila, Sampsa, Olav Sorenson. 2011. “Noncompete covenants: Incentives to innovate or impediments to growth”. Management Science 57 (3): 425–438.

Shangguan, Hui. 2016. “A comparative study of non-compete agreements for trade secret protection in the United States and China”. Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts 11 (5): 405–438.

Starr, Evan, James J. Prescott, Norman D. Bishara. 2020. “The behavioral effects of (unenforceable) contracts”. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 36 (3): 633–687. https://doi.org/10.1093/jleo/ewaa018

Starr, Evan, James J. Prescott, Norman D. Bishara. 2021. “Noncompete agreements in the US labor force”. The Journal of Law and Economics 64 (1): 53–84. https://doi.org/10.1086/712206

Stone, Katherine V. W. 2002. “Knowledge at work: Disputes over the ownership of human capital in the changing workplace”. Connecticut Law Review 34 (3): 721–763.

Sullivan, Charles A. 2009. “The puzzling persistence of unenforceable contract terms”. Ohio State Law Journal 70 (5): 1127–1177.

Sullivan, Charles A. 2016. “Tending the garden: Restricting competition via “Garden Leave”. Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 37 (2): 293–325. http://dx.doi.org/10.15779/Z38TZ87

Swift, Kenneth R. 2007. “Void agreements, knocked-out terms, and Blue Pencils: Judicial and legislative handing of unreasonable terms in noncompete agreements”. Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 24 (2): 223–259.

Ueda, Toru. 2019. “Restrictions on post-employment competition: Comparing the United States with Japan”. Connecticut Journal of International Law 34 (2): 169–221.


Amir, On, Orly Lobel. 2013. “Driving performance: A growth theory of noncompete law”. Stanford Technology Law Review 16 (30): 833–874.

Argenbright Rioux, Rachel. 2018. “The necessity for employer liability in unenforceable non-compete agreements”. University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review 86 (4): 995–1018.

Arnow-Richman, Rachel S. 2001. “Bargaining for loyalty in the information age: A reconsideration of the role of substantive fairness in enforcing employee noncompetes”. Oregon Law Review 80 (4): 1163–1244.

Arnow-Richman, Rachel. 2020. “The new enforcement regime: Revisiting the law of employee competition(and the scholarship of Professor Charles Sullivan) with 2020 vision”. Seton Hall Law Review 50 (5): 1223–1259.

Barnett, Jonathan M., Ted Sichelman. 2020. “The case for noncompetes”. University of Chicago Law Review 87 (4): 953–1049.

Bishara, Norman D., Evan Starr. 2016. “The incomplete noncompete picture”. Lewis & Clark Law Review 20 (2): 497–547.

Bishara, Norman D., Kenneth J. Martin, Randall S. Thomas. 2015. “An empirical analysis of noncompetition clauses and other restrictive postemployment covenants”. Vanderbilt Law Review 68 (1): 1–51.

Bishara, Norman D., Michelle Westermann-Behaylo. 2012. “The law and ethics of restrictions on an employee’s post-employment mobility”. American Business Law Journal 49 (1): 1–61.

Davis, Angie, Eric D. Reicin, Marisa Warren. 2015. “Developing trends in non-compete agreements and other restrictive covenants”. The American Bar Association Journal of Labor & Employment Law 30 (2): 255–272.

Ehrlich, Craig P., Leslie Garbarino. 2020. “Do secrets stop progress? Optimizing the law of non-disclosure agreements to promote innovation”. New York University Journal of Law & Business 16 (2): 279–316.

Flanagan, Jane, Terri Gerstein. 2020. “Sign on the dotted line”: How coercive employment contracts are bringing back the Lochner era and what we can do about it”. University of San Francisco Law Review 54: 441–472.

Flowers, M. Claire. 2018. “Facing the inevitable: The inevitable disclosure doctrine and the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016”. Washington and Lee Law Review 75 (4): 2207–2263.

Gilson, Ronald J. 1999. “The legal infrastructure of high technology industrial districts: Silicon Valley, Route 128, and covenants not to compete”. New York University Law Review 74 (3): 575–629.

Gomulkiewicz, Robert W. 2015. “Leaky covenants-not-to-compete as the legal infrastructure for innovation”. University of California Davis Law Review 49 (1): 251–304.

Hafiz, Hiba, Ioana Marinescu. 2023. “Labor market regulation and worker power”. University of Chicago Law Review 90 (2): 469–509.

Krause, Kelly. 2019. “Turning Wisconn Valley into the next Silicon Valley: Reforming Wisconsin Non-Compete Law to attract high-tech employers”. Marquette Law Review 103 (1): 237–266.

Lazar, Wendi S. 2008. “Employment agreements and cross border employment — confidentiality, trade secret, and other restrictive covenants in a global economy”. The Labor Lawyer 24 (2): 195–211.

Legashova, Elena S., Aleksandr R. Muksinov. 2010. “Non-competition clauses: UK Experience and Russian reality”. Zakon 4: 51–60. (In Russian)

Liutov, Nikita L. 2017. “The severance payments and non-competition agreements with executive officers”. Lex russica 10: 123–130. https://doi.org/10.17803/1729-5920.2017.131.10.123-130 (In Russian)

Lobel, Orly. 2015. “The new cognitive property: Human Capital Law and the reach of intellectual property”. Texas Law Review 93 (4): 789–851.

Lobel, Orly. 2020a. “Gentlemen prefer bonds: How employers fix the talent market”. Santa Clara Law Review 59 (3): 663–700.

Lobel, Orly. 2020b. “Exit, voice & innovation: How human capital policy impacts equality (& how inequality hurts growth)”. Houston Law Review 57 (4): 781–812.

Moffat, Viva R. 2013. “Making non-competes unenforceable”. Arizona Law Review 54 (4): 939–984.

Murphy, Tonia H. 2015. “Covenants not to compete in employment contracts: Worth a closer look in the classroom”. Journal of Legal Studies Education 32 (1): 131–171.

Naidu, Suresh, Eric A. Posner. 2022. “Labor monopsony and the limits of the law”. Journal of Human Resources 57 (S): S284–S323.

O’Neill, Kate. 2010. “Should I stay or should I go? Covenants not to compete in a down economy: A proposal for better advocacy and better judicial opinions”. Hastings Business Law Journal 6 (1): 83–143.

Obukhova, Evgeniia V. 2016. “Restrictive conditions in employment agreements”. Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshei shkoly ekonomiki 2: 27–35. https://doi.org/10.17323/2072-8166.2016.2.27.35 (In Russian)

Pivateau, Griffin T. 2007. “Putting the blue pencil down: An argument for specificity in noncompete agreements”. Nebraska Law Review 86 (3): 672–707.

Pivateau, Griffin T. 2019. “An argument for restricting the blue pencil doctrine”. Belmont Law Review 7 (1): 1–46.

Polden, Donald J. 2020. “Restraints on workers’ wages and mobility: No-poach agreements and the antitrust laws”. Santa Clara Law Review 59 (3): 579–613.

Prescott, James J., Norman D. Bishara, Evan Starr. 2016. “Understanding noncompetition agreements: The 2014 Noncompete Survey Project”. Michigan State Law Review 2: 369–464.

Raza, Saleem W. 2011. “Non-compete agreements in the United States, Europe and Australia”. Association of Corporate Counsel Docket 29 (3): 79–88.

Samila, Sampsa, Olav Sorenson. 2011. “Noncompete covenants: Incentives to innovate or impediments to growth”. Management Science 57 (3): 425–438.

Shangguan, Hui. 2016. “A comparative study of non-compete agreements for trade secret protection in the United States and China”. Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts 11 (5): 405–438.

Shvaleva, Elena S. 2018. “Restriction of the employee mobility to protect the employer’s interests: Noncompete agreements”. Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom 3: 40–43. (In Russian)

Starr, Evan, James J. Prescott, Norman D. Bishara. 2020. “The behavioral effects of (unenforceable) contracts”. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 36 (3): 633–687. https://doi.org/10.1093/jleo/ewaa018

Starr, Evan, James J. Prescott, Norman D. Bishara. 2021. “Noncompete agreements in the US labor force”. The Journal of Law and Economics 64 (1): 53–84. https://doi.org/10.1086/712206

Stone, Katherine V. W. 2002. “Knowledge at work: Disputes over the ownership of human capital in the changing workplace”. Connecticut Law Review 34 (3): 721–763.

Sullivan, Charles A. 2009. “The puzzling persistence of unenforceable contract terms”. Ohio State Law Journal 70 (5): 1127–1177.

Sullivan, Charles A. 2016. “Tending the garden: Restricting competition via “Garden Leave”. Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 37 (2): 293–325. http://dx.doi.org/10.15779/Z38TZ87

Swift, Kenneth R. 2007. “Void agreements, knocked-out terms, and Blue Pencils: Judicial and legislative handing of unreasonable terms in noncompete agreements”. Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 24 (2): 223–259.

Ueda, Toru. 2019. “Restrictions on post-employment competition: Comparing the United States with Japan”. Connecticut Journal of International Law 34 (2): 169–221.

Wacke, Andreas. 2006. “Freedom of contract and professional restrictions clauses in Roman and modern law”. Tsivilisticheskie issledovaniia: Ezhegodnik grazhdanskogo prava 2: 522–549. (In Russian)




Как цитировать

Чукреев, А. А. (2023). Ограничительные условия в соглашениях между предпринимателями и их работниками по праву зарубежных стран. Часть первая: Великобритания и Соединенные Штаты Америки. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Право, 14(2), 423–440. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu14.2023.209



Зарубежное и международное право